All Region & State Location Data With Postal Code (7 Digit For Quarter & Villages Tract)
- Release V-1.0 (Sep 2021)
The postal code is a combination of Seven Numbers, which define three different levels of geographical unit. It is part of a coding system created and used by the Myanmar Post for sorting mail. The postal codes are an abbreviated form of address, which enable a group of delivery points (a delivery point being a property or business location) to be specifically identified.
Full valid postal codes can be located at the Myanmar Post Postal code Finder website or Mobile Applications.
- Each postal code consists of three parts. The first part is the state or region code.
- The second part enables mail to be sent to the correct local area for delivery. This part of the code contains the town and township district to which the mail is to be delivered.
- The final part is used to sort the mail at the local area delivery office. It consists of three numeric character followed by town and township area. The last three number define quarter or village tract within the sector.
The following table contains the valid formats of a postal code.
For example:
Region / State | Town/ Township | Quarter/ Village Tract |
08 | 68 | '002' |
Bago Region | Kaytumadi Town | 'Ta Pin Shwe Htee Quarter' |
All data format only support unicode standard (ISO-10646).
Only Support Unicode
This open data is published under GPL 3.0
license and copyright to © Myanmar Post. Original 'Postal Codes' were created by Myanmar Post.
Prouduly Supported by Za Information Technology Co.,Ltd.