"No Art is ever finished, it just gets published" -Wren Weichman, Visual Effect Engineer/Artist at Corridor Studio
Finish My Art is a Web forum to share your art with other fellow artists, whether it is complete or in development/progress. Users can view each other’s art work and chip in ideas, either by leaving a comment or uploading their own edit to the art as feedback. All images are to be uploaded/downloaded to the application, which connects to our Google Cloud Storage database. Image editing is not supported on the pages, and needs to happen outside of the application.
Go to our home page at FinishMy.art , and check out the amazing work from talented artists located world wide.
At the home page, on the top right corner, use the sign up page to make an account, or login to your account.
This gives you access to make new posts and contribute to other posts.
To make a new post, click the “+” icon on the top right corner of the home page, to the left of the login/sign up buttons. At the new page, fill out the title and description of your post, and upload an image. Click on “post”, and your art is now part of this wonderful community.
- Index page/main page
- Shows all posts by all users
- Can connect to all other pages through relevant buttons
- Add a post
- Users can share their art work by making a post, to be seen on their profile and the home page
- Includes a title, description, an image upload feature
- Displays information about the user
- Includes posts made by this user
- Log in to your account
- Takes username and password
- Includes a sign up option for new users
- Make a new account
- Takes username, email, password