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Standalone Watson fitting as part of the Master Thesis of Jonah Sieg

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Waston Fitting Standalone


To install the standalone Watson fitting, run the following commands in the root folder of the project:

cd build; cmake ..; sudo make install; cd ..; python build_ext --inplace


cd build; cmake ..; make; cd ..; python build_ext --inplace
sudo cp build/ /usr/lib
sudo cp watsonfit.h /usr/include/

Helper for a Clean Installation


chmod +x

Required Python libraries:

conda install numpy scipy matplotlib -y
conda install -c conda-forge dipy fury pynrrd plyfile psutil nibabel vtk -y
conda install -c anaconda cython -y
pip install pyshtools

Required C/C++ libraries:

sudo apt install build-essential python3.8-dev cmake libcerf-dev -y

Installation of Ceres-Solver:

sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev libatlas-base-dev libeigen3-dev libsuitesparse-dev -y
tar zxf ceres-solver-2.1.0.tar.gz
mkdir ceres-bin
cd ceres-bin
cmake ../ceres-solver-2.1.0
make -j3
sudo make install
cd ..

Installation of FSL, download file via


Installation of MRtrix3:

sudo apt-get install git g++ python libeigen3-dev zlib1g-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libfftw3-dev libtiff5-dev libpng-dev -y
git clone
cd mrtrix3

Now head to step Installation.

Watson fitting scripts


Performs a fitting of Watson distributions to fODFs that are given in a higher-order tensor format.


python watson-fitting --i /path/to/fodf_and_wmvolume/ -ob /outputfolder/watson_backup.npz -o /outputfolder/watson_tracking_data.nrrd
python watson-fitting --init given --initfile /path/to/fodf_peaks.nrrd --i /path/to/fodf_and_wmvolume -ob /outputfolder/watson_backup.npz -o /outputfolder/watson_tracking_data.nrrd -vvi /outputfolder/watson_vvi_cone_data.nrrd

Parameters to set:

  • --i: Inputfolder should contain:
    • fodf.nrrd
      • 4D input file containing fODFs in masked higher-order tensor format (1+#fODF coefficients,x,y,z)
      • If the file is named differently, use the --infile argument
    • wmvolume.nrrd
      • The white matter mask.
      • If the file is named differently, use the --wmvolume argument
  • --infile: 4D input file containing fODFs in masked higher-order tensor format (1+#fODF coefficients,x,y,z)
  • --wmvolume: White matter mask.
  • -o: 5D output file with the approximation result (5,r,x,y,z), the first axis contains in place 0 the kappa value, in place 1 the volume fraction and in the remaining places the unit direction.
  • -op: 5D output file with the approximation result without kappa (4,r,x,y,z), the first axis contains in place 0 the volume fraction and in the remaining places the unit direction.
  • -ob: Backup file with data to later generate any of the supported outputs with watson-backup-to-data.
  • -of: If filename is set, Watson parameters are used to generate fodf data.
  • -ofn: Only export one distribution per voxel, 0 for principal direction, 1 and 2 for 2nd and 3rd. Default None.
  • -vvi: If filename is set, r files are generated beginning with the given filename that contain data to visualize as cones with vvi.
  • -r: Rank. Default 3.
  • --init: How the fitting should be initialized, defaults to 'lowrank' for the lowrank fit by Schultz and Seidel, 2008. Alternative 'rand' for random init or 'given' for given values. Default 'lowrank'.
  • --initfile: Precomputed values e.g. from lowrank fit as 5D file (4,r,x,y,z), used if init argument is set to 'given'.
  • --kapparange: Range of initial kappa values to randomly sample from. Default '39.9,40'.
  • --wmmin: Minimum WM density to compute watson fitting. Default 0.3.
  • --nospread: If added, the fitting only fits the lowrank tensors without added Watson spread.
  • --nooutliers: If added, the fitting does not check for outliers.
  • --verbose: Default True.


Allows for multiple outputs, such as files for the tracking or for visualization with vvi, given the Watson fitting '.npz' file.


python watson-backup-to-data --i /outputfolder/watson_backup.npz -o /outputfolder/watson_tracking_data.nrrd -of /outputfolder/watson_estimated_fodf.nrrd

Parameters to set:

  • --i: Backup file.
  • -o: 5D output file with the approximation result (5,r,x,y,z), the first axis contains in place 0 the kappa value, in place 1 the volume fraction and in the remaining places the unit direction.
  • -op: 5D output file with the approximation result without kappa (4,r,x,y,z), the first axis contains in place 0 the volume fraction and in the remaining places the unit direction.
  • -ob: Backup file with data to later generate any of the supported outputs.
  • -of: If filename is set, Watson parameters are used to generate fodf data.
  • -ofn: Only export one distribution per voxel, 0 for principal direction, 1 and 2 for 2nd and 3rd. Default None.
  • -vvi: If filename is set, r files are generated beginning with the given filename that contain data to visualize as cones with vvi.
  • --verbose: Default True.


This script creates the sh fodf data needed for the fodf interpolation watson tracking.


python watson-fodf-sh-generation --i /path/to/fodf/ -m /path/to/data.nii.gz -o /outfolder_sh/fodf.nrrd

Parameters to set:

  • --i: Inputfolder should contain:
    • fodf.nrrd
      • 4D input file containing fODFs in masked higher-order tensor format (1+#fODF coefficients,x,y,z)
      • If the file is named differently, use the --infile argument
  • --infile: 4D input file containing fODFs in masked higher-order tensor format (1+#fODF coefficients,x,y,z)
  • -m: data.nii.gz corresponding to fodf.
  • -o: 4D output file containing fODFs in masked higher-order tensor format (#fodf coefficients,x,y,z).
  • --verbose: Default True.


Standalone Watson fitting as part of the Master Thesis of Jonah Sieg






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