Tech Demo that has become a real thing :)
Repo for daily DSA practice in kotlin. Inspired by this katas
- Map
- Trie
- Stack
- Queue
- SinglyLinkedList
- DoublyLinkedList
- RingBuffer
- MinHeap
- InsertionSort
- MergeSort
- QuickSort
- BubbleSort
- BinarySearch
- LinearSearch
- BTBFS (BFS on Binary Tree)
- BTInOrder (In Order Traversal of Binary Tree)
- BTPostOrder (Post Order Traversal of Binary Tree)
- BTPreOrder (Pre Order Traversal of Binary Tree)
- CompareBinaryTrees
- DFSOnBST (DFS on Binary Tree)
- CompareBinaryTrees
- PrimsList (Prim's MST - Adjacency List)
- DijkstraList (Dijkstra's Shortest Path -Adjacency List)
- Set currentDay in your local
file like so:
- Add the short name for the algos you want to practice on that day to
in thebuild.gradle.kts
val algoList = listOf(
- Generate skeleton code for the algos in
by running:
gradlew runGenerator
Write implementations for the algos
Verify your implementations by running:
gradlew runTests
- Add mechanism to autoincrement current day
- Add gradle task to run single test
- Add gradle task to clear day
- Add gradle task to clear all days
- Add progress tracking / reporting
- Add more algos
- Add more tests