chore: new release 1.11.6-pre.0 (#6823) #1839
39 tests run, 35 passed, 0 skipped, 4 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in feature:412:3
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:412:3.Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:412:3
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_A failed to detect tx with tx_id = 9153081575249999541 to be Mined_or_OneSidedConfirmed, current status is Broadcast
Raw output
Scenario: Create burn transaction
Given I have a seed node NODE
When I have 2 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_A connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to all seed nodes
When I have mining node MINER_A connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_A
When I have mining node MINER_B connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_B
When mining node MINER_A mines 12 blocks
When mining node MINER_B mines 3 blocks
Then all nodes are at height 15
When I wait for wallet WALLET_A to have at least 221552530060 uT
When I create a burn transaction of 201552500000 uT from WALLET_A at fee 100
When mining node MINER_B mines 5 blocks
Then all nodes are at height 20
Then wallet WALLET_A detects all transactions as Mined_or_OneSidedConfirmed
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:426:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_A failed to detect tx with tx_id = 9153081575249999541 to be Mined_or_OneSidedConfirmed, current status is Broadcast
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"MINER_A": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER_A",
base_node_name: "NODE",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
"MINER_B": MinerProcess {
name: "MINER_B",
base_node_name: "NODE",
wallet_name: "WALLET_B",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {},
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check failure on line 1 in feature:9:3
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:9:3.Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Raw output
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node
Given I have a seed node SEED_A
When I have a seed node SEED_B
When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
When I have a base node NODE_B connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE_A
When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE_B
When I wait 5 seconds
When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
When I mine 4 blocks on SEED_A
Then wallet WALLET_A has 5T
When I wait 5 seconds
When wallet WALLET_B has 5T
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:21:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"temp_miner": MinerProcess {
name: "temp_miner",
base_node_name: "NODE_A",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {
"H4C2bdM4RLJNFw2fyDyNozfteTZZwbbLw2takk4iVStF7Tn5uthzYSrq9cTXXKJq1PRWCMCUcD9MBTtUMGJw7nyWf9K": [
"H4PHnWUas5cDJckZge7GXEK3GvQvqZPFJqi2NBB3gLTFBaDuaw14Cpn4pYkhvbTV7bbSkNk4LADgWua8Tr4mwLxfP29": [
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check failure on line 1 in feature:9:3
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:9:3.Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Raw output
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node | Retry attempt: 1/2
Given I have a seed node SEED_A
When I have a seed node SEED_B
When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
When I have a base node NODE_B connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE_A
When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE_B
When I wait 5 seconds
When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
When I mine 4 blocks on SEED_A
Then wallet WALLET_A has 5T
When I wait 5 seconds
When wallet WALLET_B has 5T
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:21:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"temp_miner": MinerProcess {
name: "temp_miner",
base_node_name: "NODE_A",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {
"H4KFEgUEmb75C6ekURfZ2uS9uHKRrWtj6iW1X6jEToUKeWD2fh2rKPKkMfrGYwnWcXJzToYHY8x9Hyr3gYzdnJV8Vwj": [
"H4LdSXm5LJHoEyzBUY3J5foWYWwX4sbGavhQSiXNRgfPbYSWms2rk4i7CXnxoY6wFqua3G3DuDx3m7pVoDeLfh98Gr5": [
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,
Check failure on line 1 in feature:9:3
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
feature:9:3.Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Raw output
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node | Retry attempt: 2/2
Given I have a seed node SEED_A
When I have a seed node SEED_B
When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
When I have a base node NODE_B connected to all seed nodes
When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE_A
When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE_B
When I wait 5 seconds
When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
When I mine 4 blocks on SEED_A
Then wallet WALLET_A has 5T
When I wait 5 seconds
When wallet WALLET_B has 5T
Step failed:
Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:21:5
Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Client {
base_nodes: {},
blocks: {},
miners: {
"temp_miner": MinerProcess {
name: "temp_miner",
base_node_name: "NODE_A",
wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
mine_until_height: 100000,
stealth: false,
ffi_wallets: {},
wallets: {},
merge_mining_proxies: {},
chat_clients: [],
transactions: {},
wallet_addresses: {},
utxos: {},
output_hash: None,
pre_image: None,
wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
seed_nodes: [
wallet_tx_ids: {
"H44MjAiCUDrPjYGPsfq7aHiR5g3hVqmFDgDYnqQa3PBtBM8yWXeLNbn7sefmcBhWq3KCeoMQ5BToYMeZzb4VuMUp2gs": [
"H46LsaepaGDoCiUYfNdAvQYHxeABSHjAGTQe3QxwcrLSTqgJKcmWF4MYWRkh2AstkVDzDpgXHpKeZPDWn42Cq8urGp5": [
errors: [],
last_imported_tx_ids: [],
last_merge_miner_response: Null,