UX Engineer working at Veris Global.
- twadd - personal site built with the T3 stack.
- mindrop - i love the native mac color picker but wanted keyboard shortcuts. built in swift.
- crsp - christian resource starter pack. vanilla stack; one file.
- (inactive) registry links - wedding info hub built with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS.
- dynamic-island - attempt to recreate the iconic dynamic island. Inspired by @thomasauros.
- link landing - cause who wants to pay for link tree. vanilla web stack.
- link shortener - built with rust.
- beautiful tabs - built with react and styled-components.
- json to resx converter - util built with python.
- rename multiple files - util built with python.
- Old twadd.dev with the vanilla stack. see twadd.dev.
- architecting & executing a ux master plan for Veris Global.
- often adding to vanilla components.