Tekton Chains v0.5.0
π v0.5.0 π
-Docs @ v0.5.0
-Examples @ v0.5.0
Installation one-liner
kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/chains/previous/v0.5.0/release.yaml
- Fix _type field in in-toto provenance generation (#235)
- Fix bug in transparency log uploads (#233)
- Fix another bug in materials and add integration test (#230)
- Check task status params to create materials for provenance (#229)
- Fix bug in storing attestations in OCI registry (#227)
- fix incorrect cd (#223)
- Fix some bugs in uploading attestations (#220)
- Simplify looking up the RekorAnnotation, add Unit Test for HandleRetry failure (#232)
- Bump in-toto dependency. (#226)
- Bump most dependencies (outside of the k8s codegen and client-go). (#222)
- Switch the linter from golint to revive. (#219)
- π¨ Bump Pipeline, Knative, K8s deps (#218)
Verify the Release
The Rekor UUID for this release is 3a62d47dcbe0727513ac2e2dcc3a41bfd413ebc128bb661ed4f115d4db83200f
Obtain the attestation:
rekor-cli get --uuid 3a62d47dcbe0727513ac2e2dcc3a41bfd413ebc128bb661ed4f115d4db83200f --format json | jq -r .Attestation | base64 --decode | jq
Verify that all container images in the attestation are in the release file:
# Obtains the list of images with sha from the attestation
REKOR_ATTESTATION_IMAGES=$(rekor-cli get --uuid "$REKOR_UUID" --format json | jq -r .Attestation | base64 --decode | jq -r '.subject[]|.name + ":v0.5.0@sha256:" + .digest.sha256')
# Download the release file
curl "$RELEASE_FILE" > release.yaml
# For each image in the attestation, match it to the release file
# Verify that the image was signed with [cosign](github.com/sigstore/cosign)
# Verify that the attestation was signed with cosign
printf $image; grep -q $image release.yaml && echo " ===> ok" || echo " ===> no match";
cosign verify -key https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/chains/main/tekton.pub $image
cosign verify-attestation -key https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/chains/main/tekton.pub $image
Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.5.0!
- β€οΈ @danielhelfand
- β€οΈ @dlorenc
- β€οΈ @lukehinds
- β€οΈ @mattmoor
- β€οΈ @priyawadhwa
- β€οΈ @vaikas
Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:
- π @danielhelfand
- π @dlorenc
- π @lukehinds
- π @mattmoor
- π @priyawadhwa
- π @vaikas