A C++ library for quantitative finance calculations with Python bindings and RESTful API, including options pricing, risk metrics, and Greeks calculations.
- Option Pricing Models
- Black-Scholes
- Binomial Tree
- Monte Carlo
- Risk Metrics
- Historical VaR
- Parametric VaR
- Options Greeks
- Delta
- Gamma
- Vega
- Theta
- Rho
- Yield Curve Interpolation
- Linear
- Cubic Spline
- HTTP/2 support via Drogon framework
- JSON request/response format
- CORS support for cross-origin requests
- Comprehensive error handling
- Request validation
- Detailed logging
- Endpoints for:
- Black-Scholes pricing
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Binomial Tree calculation
- CMake (>= 3.15)
- C++ compiler supporting C++17
- Python (>= 3.8)
- Poetry
- Drogon framework
- spdlog for logging
- nlohmann-json for JSON handling
- OpenSSL for HTTPS support
# Install core build tools
sudo apt-get install -y cmake g++ ninja-build
# Install API dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y git gcc g++ cmake libjsoncpp-dev uuid-dev \
openssl libssl-dev zlib1g-dev postgresql-server-dev-all \
libc-ares-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libspdlog-dev
# Install Drogon framework
git clone https://github.com/drogonframework/drogon
cd drogon
git checkout v1.8.7 # Using stable version
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
make && sudo make install
# Create build directory and build project
cmake -B build -G Ninja
cmake --build build
# Run the API server
# From build directory
# Install dependencies
poetry install
# Run main.py example
poetry run python python_bindings/main.py
# Run python tests
poetry run pytest python_bindings/tests/
#include "quant_fin_lib.h"
// Calculate Black-Scholes price
double price = black_scholes_price(100, 100, 0.05, 1, 0.2, 1);
from python_bindings.quant_fin import black_scholes_price
# Calculate Black-Scholes price
price = black_scholes_price(100, 100, 0.05, 1, 0.2, 1)
The API server runs on port 8080 by default and provides the following endpoints:
Test Black-Scholes pricing:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pricing/black-scholes \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"spot_price": 100.0,
"strike_price": 100.0,
"risk_free_rate": 0.05,
"time_to_maturity": 1.0,
"volatility": 0.2,
"is_call": true
Test Monte Carlo simulation:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pricing/monte-carlo \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"spot_price": 100.0,
"strike_price": 100.0,
"risk_free_rate": 0.05,
"time_to_maturity": 1.0,
"volatility": 0.2,
"is_call": true,
"num_simulations": 10000,
"num_steps": 252
Test Binomial Tree calculation:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pricing/binomial-tree \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"spot_price": 100.0,
"strike_price": 100.0,
"risk_free_rate": 0.05,
"time_to_maturity": 1.0,
"volatility": 0.2,
"is_call": true,
"num_steps": 100
Sample successful response:
"success": true,
"message": "Option price calculated successfully",
"data": {
"price": 10.45,
"input_params": {
"spot_price": 100.0,
"strike_price": 100.0,
"risk_free_rate": 0.05,
"time_to_maturity": 1.0,
"volatility": 0.2,
"is_call": true
Sample error response:
"success": false,
"message": "Error description",
"data": null
The project includes comprehensive Docker support through the docker-run.sh
script, which provides several commands for building, testing, and running the project.
./docker-run.sh [command] [options]
Available commands:
- Build Commands:
# Build the entire project
./docker-run.sh build
# Build with API support explicitly
./docker-run.sh build-api
- Run Commands:
# Run C++ executable
./docker-run.sh run cpp
# Run Python example
./docker-run.sh run python
# Run API server
./docker-run.sh run api
# Run all components
./docker-run.sh run all
- Test Commands:
# Run all tests
./docker-run.sh test
- Clean Commands:
# Clean build artifacts and Docker cache
./docker-run.sh clean
- Initial setup:
# Build the project
./docker-run.sh build
# Give execution permissions to scripts (if needed)
chmod +x scripts/*
- Development cycle:
# Make changes to code
# Rebuild and run tests
./docker-run.sh build
./docker-run.sh test
# Run specific component
./docker-run.sh run [cpp|python|api]
- API Development:
# Build and run API server
./docker-run.sh run api
# Test endpoints using curl commands (in another terminal)
# Use curl commands provided in the API Testing section above
- Cleanup:
# Clean all build artifacts and Docker cache
./docker-run.sh clean
- BUILD_API: Enables building the REST API server (ON by default)
- Build shared library: Default
- Build tests: Enabled by default
- config.json for server settings
- Port configuration
- Thread pool size
- Logging settings
- CORS settings
- Poetry dependencies in pyproject.toml
- CFFI for C++ bindings