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Releases: tetrapus/PoGoPebble

Night mode, infinite scroll, bug fixes

31 Jul 04:55
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What's new:

  • Night mode (Enable Backlight) in the settings menu enables the backlight when you lock onto a Pokemon. Best for night time pokemon hunting!
  • Add a new setting to temporarily disable priority settings, for when you just want to catch 'em all.
  • Infinite scroll lets you scroll past the end of the nearby list. Proper scrolling animations coming soon.


  • Vibrate when the active pokemon enters the alert range, not just on first appearance
  • Fix search bar so it isn't terrible
  • Fix undefined settings before first config


  • Optimised more pokemon sprites

Pokemon Search and Lock

27 Jul 16:55
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This release includes an improved search interface, and the ability to lock the active pokemon.

Shake your watch to lock a pokemon, and shake again to release.

For full navigational features, check out the watchapp version of this release, which includes scrolling through pokemon, dismissing pokemon, and changing pokemon priority.

Improves compatibility with PTR, but not by much.

Watchapp release

27 Jul 16:01
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Watchapp release Pre-release

PoGoPebble is now available as a watchapp! The watchapp is identical to the watchface, but gives you more control over navigating pokemon with the buttons.

  • Press the middle button to lock a pokemon in place
  • Hold the middle button to dismiss a pokemon. You can reset dismissed pokemon by reloading the app.
  • Press the up and down arrows to navigate through the list of nearby pokemon. Navigating will automatically lock the selected pokemon.
  • Hold the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the priority of the current pokemon.
  • Shake the watchface to toggle between pokemon location, pokemon name, and current date and time.

This release includes builds for Pebble Time Round and OG Pebble, but they are untested and unoptimised.

PokeWatch Alpha

25 Jul 15:13
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PokeWatch Alpha Pre-release

First release! This release includes base functionality for the watchface version.