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Starter Kit v2


Various scripts are provided in the package file, but many are helpers for other scripts; here are the ones you'll commonly use:

  • dev: starts the frontend and backend in dev mode, with file watching (note that the backend runs on port 3100, and the frontend is proxied to it).
  • e2e: builds and starts the app in production mode and runs the Playwright tests against it.
    • e2e:dev: builds and starts the app in dev mode and runs the Playwright tests against it.
  • lint: runs ESLint and Prettier against all the relevant files in the project.
    • format: reformats the code with Prettier.
    • lint:fix: attempts to fix all ESLint and Prettier violations.
  • serve: builds and starts the app in production mode locally.
  • ship: runs lint, then test, then e2e; ideal before a git push.
  • test: runs the unit and integration tests.
    • test:cover: runs the tests and outputs coverage data.