A maze-solving micromouse implemented on STM32F446RE
This mouse design has two DC motors driven by a TI DRV8833, and 4 IR sensors, two looking forward at an outward angle and two looking sideways, again at an angle. Odometry is provided by a hall effect quadrature encoder on each motor. Provision is made for a TDK ICM-42688 IMU, or a TDK ICM-45688 if and when that becomes available. A forward-facing VL53L4CD time-of-flight ranging sensor is used for look-ahead
Position | Name | Type | Signal | Label | Description |
1 | VBAT | Power | |||
2 | PC13 | I/O | GPIO_EXTI13 | VL53L4CD_INT | Interrupt from VL53L4CD |
3 | PC14-OSC32_IN | Output | GPIO_Output | VL53L4CD_EN | Enable for VL53L4CD |
4 | PC15-OSC32_OUT | Output | GPIO_Output | MOTORS_EN | DRM8833 Enable line |
5 | PH0-OSC_IN | Output | GPIO_Output | LED1 | LED 1 Output |
6 | PH1-OSC_OUT | Output | GPIO_Output | LED2 | LED 2 Output |
7 | NRST | Reset | |||
8 | PC0 | I/O | ADC1_IN10 | IR_FRONT_L | Front Left IR Sensor |
9 | PC1 | I/O | ADC1_IN11 | IR_FRONT_R | Front Right IR Sensor |
10 | PC2 | I/O | ADC1_IN12 | IR_L | Left IR Sensor |
11 | PC3 | I/O | ADC1_IN13 | IR_R | Right IR Sensor |
12 | VSSA | Power | |||
13 | VDDA | Power | |||
14 | PA0-WKUP | I/O | SYS_WKUP0 | SW1 | Switch 1, momentary push-button input |
15 | PA1 | Input | GPIO_Input | SW2 | Switch 2, momentary push-button input |
16 | PA2 | Inpu | GPIO_Input | MOTOR_FAULT | Motor fault |
17 | PA3 | I/O | |||
18 | VSS | Power | |||
19 | VDD | Power | |||
20 | PA4 | I/O | ADC1_IN4 | VBATT_MON | Battery voltage input |
21 | PA5 | I/O | |||
22 | PA6 | I/O | GPIO_EXTI6 | ICM_42688_INT1 | Interrupt 1 from ICM-42688 |
23 | PA7 | I/O | GPIO_EXTI7 | ICM_42688_INT2 | Interrupt 2 from ICM-42688 |
24 | PC4 | I/O | |||
25 | PC5 | I/O | |||
26 | PB0 | Output | GPIO_Output | IR_FRONT_L_PULSE | Front left IR emitter pulse enable |
27 | PB1 | Output | GPIO_Output | IR_FRONT_R_PULSE | Front right IR emitter pulse enable |
28 | PB2 | Output | GPIO_Output | IR_L_PULSE | Left IR emitter pulse enable |
29 | PB10 | I/O | SPI2_SCK | ICM_42688_SCK | SPI Clock for ICM-42688 |
30 | VCAP_1 | Power | |||
31 | VSS | Power | |||
32 | VDD | Power | |||
33 | PB12 | I/O | |||
34 | PB13 | Output | GPIO_Output | ICM_42688_CS | Chip select, active low, for ICM-42688 |
35 | PB14 | I/O | SPI2_MISO | ICM_42688_MISO | SPI MISO for ICM-42688 |
36 | PB15 | I/O | SPI2_MOSI | ICM_42688_MOSI | SPI MOSI for ICM-42688 |
37 | PC6 | I/O | TIM8_CH1 | LMOTOR_A | Left motor PWM signal 1 |
38 | PC7 | I/O | TIM8_CH2 | LMOTOR_B | Left motor PWM signal 2 |
39 | PC8 | I/O | TIM8_CH3 | RMOTOR_A | Right motor PWM signal 1 |
40 | PC9 | I/O | TIM8_CH4 | RMOTOR_B | Right motor PWM signal 2 |
41 | PA8 | Output | GPIO_Output | BT_COMMAND_MODE | Bluetooth command mode |
42 | PA9 | I/O | USART1_TX | Remote Serial/bootloader TX | |
43 | PA10 | I/O | USART1_RX | Remote Serial/bootloader RX | |
44 | PA11 | I/O | |||
45 | PA12 | I/O | |||
46 | PA13 | I/O | SYS_JTMS-SWDIO | SWDIO | Serial Wire Debug Data |
47 | VSS | Power | |||
48 | VDD | Power | |||
49 | PA14 | I/O | SYS_JTCK-SWCLK | SWCLK | Serial Wire Debug Clock |
50 | PA15 | I/O | |||
51 | PC10 | I/O | |||
52 | PC11 | I/O | |||
53 | PC12 | I/O | |||
54 | PD2 | I/O | |||
55 | PB3 | Output | GPIO_Output | IR_R_PULSE | Right IR emitter pulse enable |
56 | PB4 | I/O | TIM3_CH1 | L_ENC_A | Left encoder channel A |
57 | PB5 | I/O | TIM3_CH2 | L_ENC_B | Left encoder channel B |
58 | PB6 | I/O | TIM4_CH1 | R_ENC_A | Right encoder channel A |
59 | PB7 | I/O | TIM4_CH2 | R_ENC_B | Right encoder channel B |
60 | BOOT0 | Boot | |||
61 | PB8 | I/O | I2C1_SCL | VL53L4CD_SCL | I2C bus clock for VL53L4CD |
62 | PB9 | I/O | I2C1_SDA | VL53L4CD_SDA | I2C bus data for VL53L4CD |
63 | VSS | Power | |||
64 | VDD | Power |