iOS-Resources A pin board of iOS resources I've found to be userful Project Setup Accessibility Concurrency Security Recommended Books Recommended Newsletters Miscellaneous Project Setup Xcode Build Configuration Files - NSHipster Let's Set Up Your iOS Environments Accessibility Restricting Dynamic Type Sizes - UseYourLoaf Concurrency Task-based concurrency in Swift - SwiftBySundell Testing Xcode Instruments usage to improve app performance - SwiftLee Security Secret Management on iOS - NSHipster Recommended Books Books I have read and recommend, in no particular order. Pro iOS Testing - Avi Tsadok Test-Driven Development in Swift with SwiftUI and Combine - Gio Lodi Practical Combine - Donny Wals Swift Design Patterns - Paul Hudson Testing Swift - Paul Hudson WatchOS by Tutorials - Ray Wenderlich Recommended Newsletters Hacking with Swift iOS Code Review iOS Dev Weekly Quality Coding SwiftLee Miscellaneous Apple HIG - Typography iOS Skills Matrix - Bohdan Orlov SwiftUI Property Wrappers - Donny Wals