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진행 기관: SK C&C USA
담당 업무: 팀장
시작일: 2023/12/10
종료일: 2024/02/05

- SK GHOST is web application that process a report on going to work and getting off work automatically for MES Operator.
- We aim to automate SK C&C USA MES OP’s tasks.
- Our ultimate goal is to generate profits for our company.
IP : (IP 접속은 차단됨. 아래 도메인으로 접속 부탁합니다.)
Domain : (240601 부로 도메인 계약 만료 및 서비스 종료)
- I'm Dongkyun Woo. (Joseph Woo)
- Working at SK C&C USA, MES Operator
- Interested In Web, DB, Cloud, Battery
- Major skills : JAVA, Spring Boot, AWS, MySQL, for Backend and some Frontend(JS,CSS,HTML)
- TL
- Hello, I am Jeonghun Moon, working SK C&C USA MES Operator.
- I’m full stack developer for Web & APP
- I’m interested in Java, Spring Boot, JS, MySQL, and AWS.
- I’m researching smart factories and digital twins.