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Split controller OSC off from SuperDirt handshake OSC (Redux for 1.9) #1051

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Feb 5, 2025
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Config.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config where

import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,3 +46,6 @@ defaultConfig =
cVerbose = True,
cClockConfig = Clock.defaultConfig

verbose :: Config -> String -> IO ()
verbose c s = when (cVerbose c) $ putStrLn s
46 changes: 9 additions & 37 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Listen.hs
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Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
import qualified Sound.Osc.Time.Timeout as O
import qualified Sound.Osc.Transport.Fd.Udp as O
import Sound.Tidal.ID
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,36 +52,15 @@ openListener c
catchAny = E.catch

-- Listen to and act on OSC control messages
ctrlResponder :: Int -> Config -> Stream -> IO ()
ctrlResponder waits c (stream@(Stream {sListen = Just sock})) =
ms <- recvMessagesTimeout 2 sock
if (null ms)
then do
checkHandshake -- there was a timeout, check handshake
ctrlResponder (waits + 1) c stream
else do
mapM_ act ms
ctrlResponder 0 c stream
ctrlResponder :: Config -> Stream -> IO ()
ctrlResponder _ (stream@(Stream {sListen = Just sock})) = loop
checkHandshake = do
busses <- readMVar (sBusses stream)
when (null busses) $ do
when (waits == 0) $ verbose c $ "Waiting for SuperDirt (v.1.7.2 or higher).."
sendHandshakes stream

act (O.Message "/dirt/hello" _) = sendHandshakes stream
act (O.Message "/dirt/handshake/reply" xs) = do
prev <- swapMVar (sBusses stream) $ bufferIndices xs
-- Only report the first time..
when (null prev) $ verbose c $ "Connected to SuperDirt."
return ()
bufferIndices [] = []
bufferIndices (x : xs')
| x == (O.AsciiString $ O.ascii "&controlBusIndices") = catMaybes $ takeWhile isJust $ map O.datum_integral xs'
| otherwise = bufferIndices xs'
loop :: IO ()
loop = do
O.recvMessages sock >>= mapM_ act
-- External controller commands
act :: O.Message -> IO ()
act (O.Message "/ctrl" (O.Int32 k : v : [])) =
act (O.Message "/ctrl" [O.string $ show k, v])
act (O.Message "/ctrl" (O.AsciiString k : v@(O.Float _) : [])) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,10 +110,4 @@ ctrlResponder waits c (stream@(Stream {sListen = Just sock})) =
withID (O.AsciiString k) func = func $ (ID . O.ascii_to_string) k
withID (O.Int32 k) func = func $ (ID . show) k
withID _ _ = return ()
ctrlResponder _ _ _ = return ()

verbose :: Config -> String -> IO ()
verbose c s = when (cVerbose c) $ putStrLn s

recvMessagesTimeout :: (O.Transport t) => Double -> t -> IO [O.Message]
recvMessagesTimeout n sock = fmap (maybe [] O.packetMessages) $ O.recvPacketTimeout n sock
ctrlResponder _ _ = return ()
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Main.hs
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Expand Up @@ -5,16 +5,15 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
( Config (cClockConfig, cCtrlAddr, cCtrlPort),
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Listen
( ctrlResponder,
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Process (doTick)
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Target (getCXs, superdirtShape)
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types (OSC, Stream (..), Target)
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.UI (sendHandshakes)
import Sound.Tidal.Version (tidal_status_string)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ startStream :: Config -> [(Target, [OSC])] -> IO Stream
startStream config oscmap = do
sMapMV <- newMVar Map.empty
pMapMV <- newMVar Map.empty
bussesMV <- newMVar []
globalFMV <- newMVar id

tidal_status_string >>= verbose config
Expand All @@ -56,12 +54,11 @@ startStream config oscmap = do

cxs <- getCXs config oscmap

clockRef <- Clock.clocked (cClockConfig config) (doTick sMapMV bussesMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen)
clockRef <- Clock.clocked (cClockConfig config) (doTick sMapMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs)

let stream =
{ sConfig = config,
sBusses = bussesMV,
sStateMV = sMapMV,
sClockRef = clockRef,
-- sLink = abletonLink,
Expand All @@ -72,10 +69,8 @@ startStream config oscmap = do
sCxs = cxs

sendHandshakes stream

-- Spawn a thread to handle OSC control messages
_ <- forkIO $ ctrlResponder 0 config stream
_ <- forkIO $ ctrlResponder config stream
return stream

startMulti :: [Target] -> Config -> IO ()
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26 changes: 12 additions & 14 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs
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Expand Up @@ -76,22 +76,19 @@ data ProcessedEvent = ProcessedEvent
-- because the likely reason is that something is wrong with the current pattern.
doTick ::
MVar ValueMap -> -- pattern state
MVar [Int] -> -- busses
MVar PlayMap -> -- currently playing
MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> -- current global fx
[Cx] -> -- target addresses
Maybe O.Udp -> -- network socket
(Time, Time) -> -- current arc
Double -> -- nudge
Clock.ClockConfig -> -- config of the clock
Clock.ClockRef -> -- reference to the clock
(Link.SessionState, Link.SessionState) -> -- second session state is for keeping track of tempo changes
IO ()
doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st, end) nudge cconf cref (ss, temposs) =
doTick stateMV playMV globalFMV cxs (st, end) nudge cconf cref (ss, temposs) =
E.handle handleException $ do
modifyMVar_ stateMV $ \sMap -> do
pMap <- readMVar playMV
busses <- readMVar busMV
sGlobalF <- readMVar globalFMV
bpm <- Clock.getTempo ss
let patstack = sGlobalF $ playStack pMap
Expand All @@ -112,14 +109,15 @@ doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st, end) nudge cconf cref (ss,
(sMap'', es') = resolveState sMap' es
tes <- processCps cconf cref (ss, temposs) es'
-- For each OSC target
forM_ cxs $ \cx@(Cx target _ oscs _ _) -> do
forM_ cxs $ \cx@(Cx target _ oscs _ _ bussesMV) -> do
busses <- mapM readMVar bussesMV
-- Latency is configurable per target.
-- Latency is only used when sending events live.
let latency = oLatency target
ms = concatMap (\e -> concatMap (toOSC busses e) oscs) tes
-- send the events to the OSC target
forM_ ms $ \m ->
(send listen cx latency extraLatency m) `E.catch` \(e :: E.SomeException) ->
(send cx latency extraLatency m) `E.catch` \(e :: E.SomeException) ->
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to send. Is the '" ++ oName target ++ "' target running? " ++ show e
return sMap''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,8 +166,8 @@ processCps cconf cref (ss, temposs) = mapM processEvent
peOnPartOsc = onPartOsc

toOSC :: [Int] -> ProcessedEvent -> OSC -> [(Double, Bool, O.Message)]
toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _) =
toOSC :: Maybe [Int] -> ProcessedEvent -> OSC -> [(Double, Bool, O.Message)]
toOSC maybeBusses pe osc@(OSC _ _) =
catMaybes (playmsg : busmsgs)
-- playmap is a ValueMap where the keys don't start with ^ and are not ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,8 +208,8 @@ toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _) =
| otherwise = Nothing
toBus n
| null busses = n
| otherwise = busses !!! n
| Just busses <- maybeBusses, (not . null) busses = busses !!! n
| otherwise = n
busmsgs =
( \(k, b) -> do
Expand All @@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _) =
return $
( tsPart,
True, -- bus message ?
O.Message "/c_set" [O.int32 bi, toDatum v]
O.Message "/c_set" [O.int32 (toBus bi), toDatum v]
(Map.toList busmap)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,8 +310,8 @@ playStack pMap = stack . (map psPattern) . (filter active) . Map.elems $ pMap
hasSolo :: Map.Map k PlayState -> Bool
hasSolo = (>= 1) . length . filter psSolo . Map.elems

onSingleTick :: Clock.ClockConfig -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> Maybe O.Udp -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
onSingleTick clockConfig clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
onSingleTick :: Clock.ClockConfig -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
onSingleTick clockConfig clockRef stateMV _ globalFMV cxs pat = do
pMapMV <-
newMVar $
Expand All @@ -325,7 +323,7 @@ onSingleTick clockConfig clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
psHistory = []
Clock.clockOnce (doTick stateMV busMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen) clockConfig clockRef
Clock.clockOnce (doTick stateMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs) clockConfig clockRef

-- Used for Tempo callback
updatePattern :: Stream -> ID -> Time -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
Expand Down
93 changes: 68 additions & 25 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Target.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Stream.Target where

import Control.Concurrent (forkOS, threadDelay)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Control.Concurrent
( forkIO,
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust)
import Foreign (Word8)
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
import qualified Sound.Osc.Time.Timeout as O
import qualified Sound.Osc.Transport.Fd.Udp as O
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,43 +41,79 @@ getCXs :: Config -> [(Target, [OSC])] -> IO [Cx]
getCXs config oscmap =
( \(target, os) -> do
remote_addr <- resolve (oAddress target) (show $ oPort target)
remote_bus_addr <-
if isJust $ oBusPort target
then Just <$> resolve (oAddress target) (show $ fromJust $ oBusPort target)
else return Nothing
remote_addr <- resolve (oAddress target) (oPort target)
remote_bus_addr <- mapM (resolve (oAddress target)) (oBusPort target)
remote_busses <- sequence (oBusPort target >> Just (newMVar []))

let broadcast = if cCtrlBroadcast config then 1 else 0
u <-
( \sock sockaddr -> do
N.setSocketOption sock N.Broadcast broadcast
N.connect sock sockaddr
(\sock _ -> do N.setSocketOption sock N.Broadcast broadcast)
(oAddress target)
(oPort target)
return $ Cx {cxUDP = u, cxAddr = remote_addr, cxBusAddr = remote_bus_addr, cxTarget = target, cxOSCs = os}
let cx = Cx {cxUDP = u, cxAddr = remote_addr, cxBusAddr = remote_bus_addr, cxBusses = remote_busses, cxTarget = target, cxOSCs = os}
_ <- forkIO $ handshake cx config
return cx

resolve :: String -> String -> IO N.AddrInfo
resolve :: String -> Int -> IO N.AddrInfo
resolve host port = do
let hints = N.defaultHints {N.addrSocketType = N.Stream}
addr : _ <- N.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just host) (Just port)
addr : _ <- N.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just host) (Just $ show port)
return addr

handshake :: Cx -> Config -> IO ()
handshake Cx {cxUDP = udp, cxBusses = Just bussesMV, cxAddr = addr} c = sendHandshake >> listen 0
sendHandshake :: IO ()
sendHandshake = O.sendTo udp (O.Packet_Message $ O.Message "/dirt/handshake" []) (N.addrAddress addr)
listen :: Int -> IO ()
listen waits = do
ms <- recvMessagesTimeout 2 udp
if null ms
then do
checkHandshake waits -- there was a timeout, check handshake
listen (waits + 1)
else do
mapM_ respond ms
listen 0
checkHandshake :: Int -> IO ()
checkHandshake waits = do
busses <- readMVar bussesMV
when (null busses) $ do
when (waits == 0) $ verbose c $ "Waiting for SuperDirt (v.1.7.2 or higher).."
respond :: O.Message -> IO ()
respond (O.Message "/dirt/hello" _) = sendHandshake
respond (O.Message "/dirt/handshake/reply" xs) = do
prev <- swapMVar bussesMV $ bufferIndices xs
-- Only report the first time..
when (null prev) $ verbose c $ "Connected to SuperDirt."
respond _ = return ()
bufferIndices :: [O.Datum] -> [Int]
bufferIndices [] = []
bufferIndices (x : xs')
| x == O.AsciiString (O.ascii "&controlBusIndices") = catMaybes $ takeWhile isJust $ map O.datum_integral xs'
| otherwise = bufferIndices xs'
handshake _ _ = return ()

recvMessagesTimeout :: (O.Transport t) => Double -> t -> IO [O.Message]
recvMessagesTimeout n sock = fmap (maybe [] O.packetMessages) $ O.recvPacketTimeout n sock

-- send has three modes:
-- Send events early using timestamp in the OSC bundle - used by Superdirt
-- Send events early by adding timestamp to the OSC message - used by Dirt
-- Send events live by delaying the thread
send :: Maybe O.Udp -> Cx -> Double -> Double -> (Double, Bool, O.Message) -> IO ()
send listen cx latency extraLatency (time, isBusMsg, m)
| oSchedule target == Pre BundleStamp = sendBndl isBusMsg listen cx $ O.Bundle timeWithLatency [m]
| oSchedule target == Pre MessageStamp = sendO isBusMsg listen cx $ addtime m
send :: Cx -> Double -> Double -> (Double, Bool, O.Message) -> IO ()
send cx latency extraLatency (time, isBusMsg, m)
| oSchedule target == Pre BundleStamp = sendBndl isBusMsg cx $ O.Bundle timeWithLatency [m]
| oSchedule target == Pre MessageStamp = sendO isBusMsg cx $ addtime m
| otherwise = do
_ <- forkOS $ do
now <- O.time
threadDelay $ floor $ (timeWithLatency - now) * 1000000
sendO isBusMsg listen cx m
sendO isBusMsg cx m
return ()
addtime (O.Message mpath params) = O.Message mpath ((O.int32 sec) : ((O.int32 usec) : params))
Expand All @@ -80,21 +125,19 @@ send listen cx latency extraLatency (time, isBusMsg, m)
target = cxTarget cx
timeWithLatency = time - latency + extraLatency

sendBndl :: Bool -> (Maybe O.Udp) -> Cx -> O.Bundle -> IO ()
sendBndl isBusMsg (Just listen) cx bndl = O.sendTo listen (O.Packet_Bundle bndl) (N.addrAddress addr)
sendBndl :: Bool -> Cx -> O.Bundle -> IO ()
sendBndl isBusMsg cx bndl = O.sendTo (cxUDP cx) (O.Packet_Bundle bndl) (N.addrAddress addr)
| isBusMsg && isJust (cxBusAddr cx) = fromJust $ cxBusAddr cx
| otherwise = cxAddr cx
sendBndl _ Nothing cx bndl = O.sendBundle (cxUDP cx) bndl

sendO :: Bool -> (Maybe O.Udp) -> Cx -> O.Message -> IO ()
sendO isBusMsg (Just listen) cx msg = O.sendTo listen (O.Packet_Message msg) (N.addrAddress addr)
sendO :: Bool -> Cx -> O.Message -> IO ()
sendO isBusMsg cx msg = O.sendTo (cxUDP cx) (O.Packet_Message msg) (N.addrAddress addr)
| isBusMsg && isJust (cxBusAddr cx) = fromJust $ cxBusAddr cx
| otherwise = cxAddr cx
sendO _ Nothing cx msg = O.sendMessage (cxUDP cx) msg

superdirtTarget :: Target
superdirtTarget =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config

data Stream = Stream
{ sConfig :: Config,
sBusses :: MVar [Int],
sStateMV :: MVar ValueMap,
-- sOutput :: MVar ControlPattern,
sClockRef :: Clock.ClockRef,
Expand All @@ -26,7 +25,8 @@ data Cx = Cx
cxUDP :: O.Udp,
cxOSCs :: [OSC],
cxAddr :: N.AddrInfo,
cxBusAddr :: Maybe N.AddrInfo
cxBusAddr :: Maybe N.AddrInfo,
cxBusses :: Maybe (MVar [Int])

data StampStyle
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