The goal of this application is to ingest a large log file into a Kafka producer using the confluent_kafka
Python library, process the ingested data with Spark Streaming, and perform data wrangling operations on the streamed data.
The final goal is to analyze the large log file for:
- Find the most used endpoint of each day of week (Monday to Sunday)
- Calculate the 404 count in each day of week
The large log file is read in batches. Each batch consists of 1000 lines
of log content by default, which are joined together using the '||' symbol before being sent to the Kafka producer. Once the data is ingested, Spark Streaming is used to read the data from the Kafka producer and check the update for every 10 secs
. The batched content is then split back into individual lines. Using regular expressions, the application extracts specific fields from each log line, such as the host, timestamp, method, endpoint, protocol, status, and content size. The application also adds a 'day_of_week' field to the data. The final output is a structured DataFrame and stored in the HDFS
folder, which can be used for further analysis. This application is designed to handle large log files efficiently and provides a robust solution for log data ingestion, streaming, and processing.
- MacOS Ventura Version 13.0.1
- Chip: Apple M1 Pro
- Memory: 16GB
brew services start zookeeper # start zookeeper
brew services start kafka # start kafka # start hadoop namednode, datanode
Step 1. To start ingesting the log contents, set up the logfile, batchsize(default: 1000) and producer topic.
python --file <log_filename> --batch <batchsize> --log_file <log_filepath> --topic <producer_topic>
Arguments for
- --file (
): Dataset file path - --batch (default: 1000): number of rows per batch
- --log_file (default: None): default won't save a log file, specify a log filename to save log
- --broker (default: kafka producer broker
- --topic (default: logs_ana_topic): kafka producer topic
Step2. To start streaming, set up
python --topic <producer_topic> --save_dir <save_directory> --hdfs --log_file <log_filepath>
Arguments for
- --topic (
): kafka consumer topic, please register the same topic name as the producer - --pyspark_package (default: org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.4.1): Please modify to fit your spark and scala version
- --save_dir (default: log_analysis): directory to save files
- --hdfs (default: True): save files to hdfs or local directory
- --hdfs_url (default: hdfs://localhost:9000): hdfs local url
- --log_file (default: None): default won't save a log file, specify a log filename to save log
- --broker (default: kafka consumer broker
- --group_id (default: None): kafka consumer group id
Step3. Check the output csv files and logs(if you set the --log_file) in the output folder Step4. Check the saved parquet using hadoop webUI (http://localhost:9870):
- Find the most used endpoint of each day of week (Monday to Sunday)
endpoints | count | |
Sun | /Archives/edgar/data/0001267332/000117494721000300/form10k-25692_indexpl20031.htm | 13739 |
Mon | /Archives/edgar/data/0000004281/000119312517062657/R99.htm | 13677 |
Tue | /Archives/edgar/data/0001135856/000113585616000445/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml | 13753 |
Wed | /Archives/edgar/data/0001852440/000000000022002912/filename2.txt | 13697 |
Thu | /Archives/edgar/data/0001260125/000114420419015071/tv516461_10k.htm | 13722 |
Fri | /Archives/edgar/data/0001491487/000114420415051928/0001144204-15-051928.txt | 13763 |
Sat | /Archives/edgar/data/0001260125/000114420419015062/tv516457_10k.htm | 13712 |
- Calculate the 404 count in each day of week
day of week | count |
Sun | 288267 |
Mon | 288047 |
Thu | 289487 |
Sat | 288592 |
Wed | 288684 |
Fri | 288678 |
Tue | 287896 |