NFT Wallet Blockchain Explorer built for NFT and crypto enthusiasts.
Project Demo Video:
Project was developed in April-May of 2022.
This web app is a blockchain explorer for NFTs in wallets on the Ethereum mainnet (ERC721 and ERC1155 Token NFTs). This website allows the user to enter an Ethereum wallet address and retrieve all of the Ethereum NFTs (metadata) in that specific wallet using a FETCH request to Alchmey’s NFT API. Additonally, this web app supports CRUD functionality for NFTs where users can create NFTs, can edit NFTs, can delete NFTs, and can view the NFTs that they create from the SQL database. The front-end is built with bootstraps UI library.
Whenever a user hovers over the “Search Wallet” button on the main page after entering a wallet address, upon clicking on the button, JS is used to FETCH the Alchemy API and retrieve all of the NFTs in that wallet. Check out file NFT-API.js file to see.
Database: tgavin_nft_db
Credentials to access the DB can be found in config.php:
- "DB_HOST", ""
- "DB_USER", "tgavin_db_user"
- "DB_PASS", "Stringking"
- "DB_NAME", "tgavin_nft_db"
Create NFT - Creates an NFT record using a form and inserts its data into the SQL database.
Create NFT Button - Navigation Barr
Create NFT Form - Create-NFT-form.html
Create NFT Confirmation - Create-NFT-confirmation.php
Read NFTs - Pulls NFT record data from the SQL database and displays it on the frontend for users to view. Pages and Functionality:
View Saved NFTs Button - Navigation Bar View Saved NFTs - Saved-NFTs.php
Edit NFT - Allows the user to edit the data of a specific NFT record where it updates that respective NFTs data in the SQL database. Pages and Functionality:
Edit NFT Button - Saved-NFTs.php
Edit NFT Form - Edit-NFT-form.php
Edit NFT Confirmation - Edit-NFT-confirmation.php
Delete NFT - Allows the user to delete an NFT record and its data from the SQL database. Pages and Functionality:
Delete NFT Button - Saved-NFTs.php
Delete NFT Confirmation - Delete-NFT-confirmation.php
Alchemy’s NFT API -
Here are some wallet addresses you can enter to test the API: (I recommend the one in yellow)
- Gabe's Hot Wallet: 0xd3A7D070720f3fb8A4932C7A02218337eC300fe4
- Gabe's Cold Wallet: 0x93358578c602bf4294e2ef39c12e45bd907ac16c
- const ownerAddr = 0xF5FFF32CF83A1A614e15F25Ce55B0c0A6b5F8F2c
- const ownerAddr = 0xC33881b8FD07d71098b440fA8A3797886D831061
- const ownerAddr = 0xdaAF5F4d339006ea87960f79a08027B4fD3d7Eb1