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COGIP Project - Backend Focus

Deployed project: COGIP

Documentation : How to cogip

About The Project

Developed as part of the BeCode bootcamp, the COGIP project is a web application designed to modernize the accounting process for Jean-Christian Ranu at COGIP. This application primarily focuses on backend functionalities to enhance efficiency and user experience in accounting tasks.

Backend Technologies

PHP: Used for server-side logic.

POO (Object-Oriented Programming): Enhances code modularity and reusability.

MVC (Model-View-Controller): Organizes code structure for efficient development and maintenance.

Namespace: Manages and encapsulates classes.

Bramus Router: A lightweight PHP router for handling HTTP requests.

Filp/Whoops: For elegant error handling in PHP.

Team Contributions


Bastien: Focused on setting up the MVC architecture and integrating the Bramus Router for efficient request handling.

Thomas (me): Worked on database interactions, including CRUD operations, and implemented filp/whoops for error management.

Backend Functionality

CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality for managing invoices, companies, and contacts.

Validation & Sanitization: Ensures data integrity and security.

API Development:

We provided to the frontend's the URL to deployed project on Heroku :

and, for sure, all the endpoints as following:

Endpoint Method Description
/api/routes GET Fetches and map all routes.
/invoices GET Fetches all invoices with pagination.
/invoices/{id} GET Fetches a single invoice by its ID.
/invoices POST Creates a new invoice.
/invoices/{id} PUT Updates an existing invoice by its ID.
/invoices/{id} DELETE Deletes an invoice by its ID.
/companies GET Fetches all companies with pagination.
/companies/{id} GET Fetches a single company by its ID.
/companies POST Creates a new company.
/companies/{id} PUT Updates an existing company by its ID.
/companies/{id} DELETE Deletes a company by its ID.
/contacts GET Fetches all contacts with pagination.
/contacts/{id} GET Fetches a single contact by its ID.
/contacts POST Creates a new contact.
/contacts/{id} PUT Updates an existing contact by its ID.
/contacts/{id} DELETE Deletes a contact by its ID.
/companies/{id}/show GET Fetches all contacts for a specific company by company ID.
/types GET Fetches all contacts without pagination
/fetchcompanies GET Fetches all companies with ID and no pagination
/invoices/last GET Fetches the last 5 invoices created
/companies/last GET Fetches the last 5 companies created
/contacts/last GET Fetches the last 5 contacts created

Database Structure


Future Enhancements

Improving API security:

due to a lack of time, we didn't implemented authentication and ApiKey. We will see later to implement these features.

Optimizing database queries for performance:

We used to host our database and for this litlle project it works but requests take a lot of time... (but it's free...)

Implementing additional backend features as per project requirements.


The API created by Bastien & myself, is called by our frontend teammates :COGIP

Antoine and Pierre

You can find the repo here: Linkt to the repo frontend side








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