It's a tool to scrape and forward email messages for new events.
is file where client takes configuration variables, rename example.config.json
- [username] - email address that you login with
- [password] - your private password
- [uri] - "" default, no need to change, unless domain changes
- [sender_email] - email address that will be forwarding your messages
- [receiver_email] - email address to whom you want to forward your messages
- [smtp_server] - your smtp servers fqdn address, by default working on tcp 25 port.
- [events_file] - file where to store events history, so that only new ones are forwarded
clone this repo
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Setup crontab
crontab -e
if your repo is cloned in home directory then add it to crontab to execute script every hour At minute 30 :
30 * * * * cd manodienynas && /usr/bin/python3
~/manodienynas/ should point to
file and cron service should be enabled.
- need to add logs
- smtp with tls and auth