Python project based on Flask to test Fitbit API
First of all create a Virtualenv
virtualenv envFitbit
source envFitbit/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to a Fitbit Developer Account in order to create and manage a Fitbit App
Please creating the app make attention to the redirect url and use http://localhost:5000/callback
Create your own config file:
cp ./app/fitbit/config.ini.backup ./app/fitbit/config.ini
Edit the config with cliend_id
and client_secret
from Fitbit App.
Now you can run the Flask server with
In Production Mode use WSGI with Apache/NGINX (documentation will be provided soon..).
For now, for testing purposes, we create just a bunch of APIs
/sleeps get sleep data about last night
/steps get steps data about last 7 days
/activities get activities data
/heart get heart data
/device get device data
Developed with <3 from TOP-IX Hackademy