Fetches IMAP inboxes via fetchmail and forwards recieved mails to a list of recipients.
First you will need to write configuration files for pmml and fetchmail. Feel free to use the supplied examples as starting point:
- example_configs/pmmlrc
- example_configs/fetchmailrc
docker run -v $(pwd)/example_configs/fetchmailrc:/.fetchmailrc -v $(pwd)/example_configs/pmmlrc:/.pmmlrc -it pmml:0.1.4
If using kubernetes the configuration files should be injected as secret into the pod executing pmml.
Create a namespace:
kubectl create ns pmml
Create secrets containing the configuration:
kubectl create secret generic pmml-pmmlrc --from-file example_configs/pmmlrc -n pmml
kubectl create secret generic pmml-fetchmailrc --from-file example_configs/fetchmailrc -n pmml
Afterwards create the deployment:
kubectl -n pmml apply -f example_configs/pmml_deployment.yml
After updating either of the supplied secrets you will need to restart the pmml pod:
kubectl -n pmml delete pod $(kubectl -n pmml get pods | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')