Update .travis.yml for build config #1308
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Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Jan 3, 2024 in 16m 37s
Build Passed
The build passed. This is a change from the previous build, which errored.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #1308 Update .travis.yml for build config.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has four jobs, running in two sequential stages.
Stage 1: test
This stage passed.
Job | Ruby | ENV | OS | State |
2.6.5 | PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH | Linux | passed | |
2.6.5 | PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH | Linux | passed | |
2.6.5 | PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH | Linux | passed |
Stage 2: 🚢 it to Quay.io
This stage passed.
Job | Ruby | ENV | OS | State |
2.6.5 | PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH | Linux | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Ruby Version | 2.6.5 |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "xenial",
"rvm": [
"script": [
"bundle exec rake knapsack:rspec"
"env": [
"global={:PATH=>\"/snap/bin:$PATH\"}={:RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=>\"90000000\"}={:RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS=>\"200000\"}={:CI_NODE_TOTAL=>\"3\"} jobs={:CI_NODE_INDEX=>\"0\"}={:CI_NODE_INDEX=>\"1\"}={:CI_NODE_INDEX=>\"2\"}"
"cache": {
"bundler": true
"services": [
"before_install": [
"sudo apt-get install -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends postgresql-common",
"sudo service postgresql stop",
"sudo apt install -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends postgresql-11 postgresql-client-11",
"sed -e 's/^port.*/port = 5432/' /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf > postgresql.conf",
"sudo chown postgres postgresql.conf",
"sudo mv postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/11/main",
"sudo cp /etc/postgresql/{10,11}/main/pg_hba.conf",
"sudo service postgresql stop",
"sudo systemctl start postgresql@11-main",
"gem install rubygems-update -v 3.4.22",
"gem update --system"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": ":ship: it to Quay.io",
"addons": {
"snaps": [
"name": "docker",
"channel": "latest/stable"
"install": [
"echo skip"
"before_script": [
"echo skip"
"script": [
"make ship"
"if": "commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true or branch = master"
"before_script": [
"psql --version",
"psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE travis_test;' -U postgres",
"psql -t -c \"SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='travis'\" -U postgres | grep 1 || psql -c 'CREATE ROLE travis SUPERUSER LOGIN CREATEDB;' -U postgres",
"curl -fs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/travis-migrations/master/db/main/structure.sql | psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 travis_test"