This is a repo containing the same app built with different frameworks and integrated with CommandBar.
The app used is a basic CRUD app based on the 7GUIs CRUD spec plus 1 additional route.
This minimal app showcases adding searchable context, commands that can be executed anywhere from within the app, and routing using CommandBar.
- All actions can be completed in UI and CommandBar
- Everything in CommandBar is done with the SDK
- A router is used to prevent page reload
- All CRUD actions can be completed from any point in the app
- 2 routes to navigate between: "/" and "/foo"
Example repos scaffolded using:
- Next.js:
- React:
- Angular:
- Svelte:
npx degit sveltejs/template
- Remix:
npx create-remix
- Vue:
npm init vue
- Command icons designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0