New software is available @ New GitHub link:
Old webpage instruction:
Remote Syslog is a free application what can be used to view syslog messages. It uses 3 small c++ programs for installation and CLI log control. Recently we added a web based GUI, this gives you a easy way of viewing and extracting syslog messages. The buildin installer installs syslog-ng as syslog deamon and combines this with colortail and apache2 to enhance the display output.
Remote Syslog is currently tested for the following vendors: Cisco, HP, Ubiquiti and F5. This test concluded a network with 400 devices with some devices in debug mode.
- Recieve syslog information on port 514 UDP and TCP
- Upgrade over internet installation via rsinstaller
- Easy reconfiguration via rsinstaller
- Easy to use CLI
- Easy to use GUI
- View live syslog messages
- Allows you to clear the live archive
- Send a test message to your syslog server
- Editable configuration files
- View per host logging with the archive button
- View live logging with the archive button
- Allows you to download the archived/live syslog
- Saves syslog for 1 year
- Archives total logging every week
- Open files quickly (Plain text files)
- Support for 32-bit, 64-bit and arm
- O/S support Debian 8.x /9.x, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / 18.x LTS
- Raspberry Pi supported (recommended 3B)
- Raspberry Pi O/S support Stretch and Jessie
- Module to activate local logging in Remote Syslog
To start follow the instructions below:
Check requirements: Only for Ubuntu 18.x
apt-add-repository multiverse
Download Remote Syslog 64-bit:
Download Remote Syslog 32-BIT:
Download Remote Syslog ARM:
Extract archive 64-BIT:
tar -xvf remote-syslog-latest-AMD64.tar
Extract archive 32-BIT:
tar -xvf remote-syslog-latest-x86.tar
Extract archive ARM:
tar -xvf remote-syslog-latest-arm.tar
Go to the following directory
cd syslog-latest
Make the installer executable
chmod +x rsinstaller
Run the installer as root
./rsinstaller -f
Watch the following YouTube video for a installation and functionality check:
Make sure that you meet the minimum system requirements. Increase the capacity if you experience any performance issues.
- Intel ATOM 1.6Ghz processor or better
- 512MB RAM or higher
- 128GB Storage
- Monitor resolution of 1920×1080
- CPU microarchitectures: X86 (32-Bit), X64 (64-Bit) and ARM (Acorn RISC Machine)
- Raspberry Pi
- 3B version recommended
- Tested for Raspbian Jessie Lite and Stretch Lite
Operating System:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server / 18.04 LTS Server Note: Activate multiverse repository for 18.x
- Debian 9.x
- Debian 8.x
- Jessie Lite (Raspberry Pi 3B)
- Stretch Lite (Raspberry Pi 3B)
To compile use:
- g++
- make
To start download and extract all files to your server. Make sure that the rsinstaller file is executable. You need to run the installer with root rights. More information: Getting Started.
To print the usage do:
rsinstaller -h or rsinstaller
Usage example:
-h,–help Display help
-r,–reconfigure Reconfigure services
-f,–fullinstall Start full installation
-a,–autoupgrade Auto upgrade (requires internet)
-d,–defaultconfig Restore default configuration
-al,–addlocallog Add local syslog to Remote Syslog
-rl,–rmlocallog Remove local syslog to Remote Syslog
-am,–memlimit Set new memory limit of 512M
-rm,–defaultmemlimit Set default memory limit of 128M
Use the following configuration files to customize Remote Syslog:
/opt/remotesyslog/colortail => for a new color regex
/opt/remotesyslog/syslog-ng => syslog configuration
/opt/remotesyslog/logrotate => change file rotation
To apply a new configuration, rerun the installer:
rsinstaller -r or rsinstaller –reconfigure
There is a new installer in version 1.0 or higher (internet is required). You can update the installation with the following command:
rsinstaller -a or rsinstaller –autoupgrade
This update will not erase or update your configuration files. To update your configuration files to the latest version run (Section 5.4):
rsinstaller -d or rsinstaller –defaultconfig
Info: see section 5.1 to use a custom configuration.
Run the following command to install Remote Syslog:
rsinstaller -f or rsinstaller –fullinstall
After a successfull run, select your supported operating system: Select your OS:
1) Debian 8.x or Raspberry Pi 3B (Jessie Lite)
2) Debian 9.x or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Raspberry Pi 3B (Stretch Lite)
3) Exit
Enter your option: <option here>
Run the following command to restore the default configuration:
rsinstaller -d or rsinstaller –defaultconfig
To force a full installation run the following commands:
1. rm /usr/bin/rsinstaller
2. rsinstaller -f
Make sure you install Remote Syslog to a clean Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later installation. We tested the installation and usage for this platform.
Currently the default MEM_LIMIT of PHP is 128M to search large plain text files. You can extent this limit to 512M. (higher is possible, but not recommended). You can use the following command to activate a higher limit:
rsinstaller -am or rsinstaller –memlimit
To deactivate this function use and restore the default setting:
rsinstaller -rm or rsinstaller –defaultmemlimit
To start use a SSH client (Recommended Putty or buildin linux ssh client)
To print the usage do:
rsview -h or rsview
Usage example:
-h,–help Display help
-s,–search <search string> Search through logging
-v,–view View logging
-l,–live View live logging
-ls,–livesearch <search string> Search through live logging
-t,–testmessage Send a test message
-c,–clearlog Clear total log archive
Remote Syslog allows you to view a live logging with the following command:
rsview -l or rsview –live
This allow you to follow new messages live in a colorfull console. To filter your output use:
rsview -ls <text to filter> or rsview –livesearch <text to filter>
Remote Syslog allows you to view a total logging of a week in your console. Run the following command:
rsview -v or rsview –view
This allow you to view messages in a colorfull console. To filter message do:
rsview -s <text to filter> or rsview –search <text to filter>
Use normal linux commands (like “cat, grep, tail”) to search through your logging. Use the following path:
To test your server we added added a function to test the server:
rsview -t or rsview –testmessage
To clear all archived total logging run:
rsview -c or rsview –clearlog
To add local logging to the Remote Syslog file:
rsinstaller -al
To remove local logging from the Remote Syslog file:
rsinstaller -rl
This module can be used for debugging.
Use a browser to start. (Recommended Firefox)
Default port is 80. We recommend that you secure the apache2 http page. Configure SSL and basic/LDAP authentication. See section 9: Optional configuration.
Button “Syslog archive”:
shows all archived files + current logging
Button “Send test message”:
Sends a test message to the syslog-ng deamon
Button “Clear live log archive”:
Clears the total archived live log files
Button “License”:
Display license
Activate LDAP module apache:
a2enmod ldap authnz_ldap
Configure /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as following:
<Directory /var/www/html>
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Remote Syslog Login”
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN On
AuthLDAPURL “ldap://<myadhost>:389/dc=DC01,dc=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)
AuthLDAPBindDN “CN=,OU=Accounts,DC=DC01,DC=local”
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
require ldap-group cn=,ou=Groups,dc=DC01,dc=local
Install apache2-utils:
apt-get install apache2-utils
Create .htpasswd file:
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd <myuser>
Configure /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as following:
<Directory /var/www/html>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Remote Syslog Login"
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/.htpasswd"
Require user
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require valid-user
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Generate certificate:
"mkdir /etc/cert/"
"cd /etc/cert/"
"openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt"
Configure apache:
"nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf"
#Configure a virtualhost for SSL:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin norply@rs001
ServerName rs001
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/cert/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/cert/server.key
Load SSL module apache2:
cp /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
a2enmod ssl
Restart apache2:
service apache2 restart
To filter specific messages from all host in the /var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log run as root:
nano /opt/remotesyslog/syslog-ng
Apply the following configuration:
……. t { tcp(); };
filter messages { not match(“<message_to_exclude>“) };
destination Y …..
Then run as root:
rsinstaller -r
The filter is applied and the syslog service is restarted.
To apply extra security or other filters for syslog-ng visit:
The manual installation allows you to configure any distribution with our configuration. In this section we give you a example configuration of a debian based operating system.
apt update
apt -y purge rsyslog
apt install syslog-ng colortail wget logrotate grep apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap liblua5.1-0 libonig2 libqdbm14 php5-cli php5-common php5-json php5-readline ssl-cert tar
mkdir /var/log/remote_syslog/
touch /var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log
chown www-data:www-data /var/log/remote_syslog/
chown www-data:www-data /var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log
ln -s /var/log/remote_syslog /var/www/html/
cp -rf syslog-ng /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/99-remote.conf
cp -rf syslog-ng-localdefault /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/99-remote-local.conf
Note 1: This module is optional. It sends all local logging to the Remote Syslog file. Usefull when debugging.
service syslog-ng restart
cp -rf logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/remotelog
cp -rf colortail /etc/colortail/conf.colortail
apt install g++ make
g++ rsview.c -o rsview
cp -rf rsview /usr/bin/rsview
chmod +x /usr/bin/rsview
cp -rf index.php /var/www/html/
cp -rf indexs.php /var/www/html/
cp -rf favicon.ico /var/www/html/
cp -rf jquery-latest.js /var/www/html/
cp -rf loaddata.php /var/www/html/
/etc/colortail/conf.colortail => for a new color regex
/etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/99-remote.conf => syslog configuration
/etc/logrotate.d/remotelog => change file rotation
/var/www/html/index.php => chang GUI
Recompile rsview.c => change CLI
Note 1: When you use a not recommended (Debian or Ubuntu) distrubution, your path to add configuration or copy files could be different.
Our Frequently Asked Questions section allows you to search for some addition / requested configuration for Remote Syslog.
Edit the following file:
nano /opt/remotesyslog/syslog-ng
#Add the following lines, where “IP or hostname” = your new remote syslog server:
destination remote_server {
tcp(“IP or hostname” port(514));
udp(“IP or hostname” port(514));
log { source(s_src); destination(remote_server); };
Run the Remote Syslog installer to apply the configuration:
rsinstaller -r
To include all local syslog to 1 file do:
nano /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
Add the following rules:
destination all_log { file(“/var/log/all_syslog.log”); };
log { source(“s_src”); destination(“all_log”); };
Then reload or restart the syslog-ng service:
service syslog-ng reload or service syslog-ng restart
This option is included in version 1.1.2a. Run the following command to activate:
rsinstaller -al
To deactivated this function run:
rsinstaller -rl
If you run a version lower then 1.1.2a then you can activate this function manual. Just follow the instructions below.
Edit the rsview syslog-ng configuration file:
nano /opt/remotesyslog/syslog-ng
Add the following line:
log { source(“s_src”); destination(“Y”); };
Then run the rsinstaller to apply the configuration:
rsinstaller -r
You can restore the default configuration with the following command:
rsinstaller -d
Install 2 Remote Syslog Servers. Then add a primary and secondary host to your device configuration. If there is no option to add a secondary syslog server you could use option 2 of this section to forward the syslog messages.
Your log recieves the following messages: – rsuser [25/May/2017:21:07:01 +0200] “GET /loaddata.php?randval=0.05259220201918463&_=1495738782510 HTTP/1.1” 200 548 “” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/6.0; rv:10.0) like Gecko”
This is the php page what request the realtime data. To disable this message do:
In this example we use ubuntu with the setenvif module enabled:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
SetEnvIf Request_URI “^/loaddata.php” dontlog
Change the CustomLog directive to:
<VirtualHost *:80>
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined env=!dontlog
If SSL is enabled create the following rules:
<VirtualHost *:443>
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined env=!dontlog
SetEnvIf Request_URI “^/loaddata.php” dontlog
You can check the status with:
systemctl syslog-ng.service status
Check for the text: Active: active (running)
“If the service is running make sure it binds to TCP and/or UDP port 512. You can check it with:
netstat -tuna
Check for the text:
tcp 0 0
udp 0 0
Login as a regular user (root is not required) and run the following command:
grep -h “switch1\|switch2\|switch3” /var/log/remote_syslog/* | more
This will start a search for the text: switch1, switch2 or switch3 in the text files located in the /var/log/remote_syslog/ directory.
We prepared a script what can be used with sendmail. Sendmail should be configured to relay the mail to your provider. The following script use a array of words and the date of today to filter messages. The script is tested for Cisco devices. Use cron to schedule the script.
#Array of words:
declare -a data=(Trace module)
#Check if error messages exist
for word in “${data[@]}”; do
mesg=$(cat /var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log | grep “^$(date +’%b %d’)” | grep $word)
if [ -z “$mesg” ]
echo “No variable!”
echo “Variable filled, setting variable to continue …”
#Generate mail
if [ -z “$mesgall” ]
echo “Nothing to do, abort”
echo “Subject: Syslog critical errors” > /opt/rs.txt
echo “” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “Hello <user>,” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “The following message is generated by Remote Syslog.” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “” >> /opt/rs.txt
for word in “${data[@]}”; do
cat /var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log | grep “^$(date +’%b %d’)” | grep $word >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “The messages above are generated by the <hostname>!” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “” >> /opt/rs.txt
echo “Thank you for using Remote Syslog … ;-)” >> /opt/rs.txt
cat /opt/rs.txt
/usr/sbin/sendmail -v -F “MIS NS” -f “[email protected]” [email protected] < /opt/rs.txt
You can uninstall Remote syslog by removing the packages, configuration files and binarys by the following script:
echo “File is only present if local syslog is activated”
rm -rf /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/99-remote-local.conf
echo “Remove configuration files”
rm -rf /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/99-remote.conf
rm -rf /etc/logrotate.d/remotelog
rm -rf /etc/colortail/conf.colortail
rm -rf /opt/remotesyslog
echo “Remove binary files”
rm -rf /usr/bin/rsview
rm -rf /usr/bin/rsinstaller
echo “Removing legacy GUI website …”
rm -rf /var/www/html/favicon.ico
rm -rf /var/www/html/index.php
rm -rf /var/www/html/indexs.php
rm -rf /var/www/html/jquery-latest.js
rm -rf /var/www/html/loaddata.php
echo “Remove packages …”
apt -y purge apache2 apache2-utils php libapache2-mod-php syslog-ng colortail
apt -y autoremove
echo “Reinstall rsyslog”
apt -y install rsyslog
Before the Remote Syslog intallation run the “apt-add-repository multiverse” command. This repo is required to install Remote Syslog.
Remote Syslog has a stable version to use. (released on 15-02-2017). Feel free to test and install Remote Syslog. Remote Syslog is currently tested with 400 Cisco devices and had no problems saving or displaying syslog messages.
18-04-2018: Version Sets the default live log (/var/log/remote_syslog/remote_syslog.log) rotation for 1 week or 100MB. (Remote Syslog already installed? Run “rsinstaller -d” to restore the remote syslog defaults.)
Note 1: The upgrade bug can be resolved if you run “rsinstaller -a” twice. (Triggered when upgrading: installer does not load the extra installation file). Version 1.1.2a and lower.
Note 2: The following legacy commands are removed: syslog_installer, remote_log and remote_livelog
Note 3: Version 1.1.2 and higher is tested for Raspberry Pi.
Note 4: The next major version removes support from Debian 8.x and Raspberry Pi O/S Jessie.
13-04-2018: Version Optimized GUI code and GUI response. Basic search bar (concept) added and an option to extent the MEM_LIMIT of PHP. Allows you to search a small live log file. 100MB or less. If there is a larger live log file please consider to increase the rotation or filter some messages.
05-03-2018: Version BETA: Optimized GUI code and GUI response. This is a concept version of Remote Syslog and no final product. Before you install the BETA version make sure you installed version 1.1.3 stable. This BETA is a upgrade of 1.1.3.
02-01-2018: Version BETA: Added a search bar to the GUI. This is a concept version of Remote Syslog and no final product. Before you install the BETA version make sure you installed version 1.1.3 stable. This BETA is a upgrade of 1.1.3.
18-09-2017: Version 1.1.3: Small update in GUI and CLI. Supported O/S changed to Debian 8.x / 9.x and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Raspberry Pi new O/S support Stretch. (stable)
05-04-2017: Version 1.1.2a: Fixed upgrade binarie, added a option to send all local logging to the Remote Syslog file, fixed cosmetic bug. (stable)
01-03-2017: Version 1.1.2: Added binaries for Debian and Ubuntu with 64-bit, 32-bit and ARM + OS select added. (stable)
23-02-2017: Version 1.1.1: Added listener on TCP 514 + updated test CLI and GUI commands (stable)
18-02-2017: Version 1.1: Added function to restore default configuration (CLI) + rsview can be run without root permissions (stable)
15-02-2017: Version 1.0: Bug fix GUI + new CLI installer with update over internet + new CLI rsview and rsinstaller commands (stable)
14-02-2017: BETA 1.0: Bug fix GUI + update installer + new CLI rsview command(removal remote_livelog and remote_log commands).
13-02-2017: BETA 0.9: Bug fix GUI + update installer.
11-02-2017: BETA 0.8: Fixed some bugs.
10-02-2017: BETA 0.7: Fixed some bugs. (Not publicly available)
08-02-2017: BETA 0.6: Changed GUI color / Added GUI buttons / Changed daily rotation to weekly / Fixed some bugs / Installer has a auto-detect upgrade/full setup. (Not publicly available)
05-02-2017: BETA 0.5: BUG fix symlink + added per host archive. (Not publicly available)
02-02-2017: BETA 0.4: Added GUI and archive button. (Not publicly available)
28-01-2017: BETA 0.3: Early GUI with bugs. (Not publicly available)
10-01-2017: BETA 0.2: Added color pattern to CLI. (Not publicly available)
27-12-2016: BETA 0.1 First release, CLI only. (Not publicly available)
15-12-2016: ALPHA 0.1 Concept bash version. (Not publicly available)
"Remote Syslog" is a free application what can be used to view syslog messages. Copyright (C) 2017 Tom Slenter
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
For more information contact the author:
Name author: Tom Slenter
E-mail: [email protected]
Click on the link below to start downloading Remote Syslog 64-BIT:
Click on the link below to start downloading Remote Syslog 32-BIT:
Click on the link below to start downloading Remote Syslog ARM:
Click on the link below to start downloading Remote Syslog manual installation (contains source rsview):
Example# Remote_Syslog Scripts / Programs to deploy a Syslog Server with TUI and GUI
README.txt = > Instruction for manual installation
colortail => Configuration for colortail
favicon.ico => Favicon for webpage
index.php => PHP GUI for Remote Syslog
jquery-latest.js => Cross-platform JavaScript library for index.php
loaddata.php => Retrieves data from console
logrotate => Configuration for logrotate
rsview.c => Small c++ program to view syslog messages
- compile: g++ rsview.c -o rsview
rsinstaller.c => Example installer for Ubuntu or Debian based machines
- compile: g++ rsinstaller.c -o rsinstaller
syslog-ng => Syslog-ng configuration (adds listeners UDP / TCP)
syslog-ng-local => Syslog-ng configuration module (redirects all system logging to Remote Syslog)