WatchIT desktop client helps you manage movies and tv shows you like to stream on you mobile device.
Download WatchIT Desktop | WatchIT Server | Android Client
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Run the app:
$ npm start
To package the application:
$ npm run package
To build the application:
$ npm run make
At the moment WatchIt supports: '.mkv', '.mp4', '.webm', '.TS', '.flv'
- Installation destination on Windows - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\WatchIt if you want to add a shortcut
- Directory structure - will automaticly check your directory structure and will create WatchIT Folder in your USER_DIR
- Add Movie - Open the 'WatchIT' directory > Movies > Folder with the name of the movie with _ as word separator (Example: Tomb_Raider) > the video file with supported extention
- Add TV Show - Open the 'WatchIT' directory > TV_Shows > Folder with the name of the show (_ as word separator) > Folder with the season (_ as word separator) > Folder with the episode (_ as word separator) > the video file with supported extention
None of the movies shown on the screenshots below are the "real" movies! We use movies with public access from this gist, the calls to OMDb API are build based on directory structure not the video file itself!