v0.1.0 🌈
1273 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
- release-note @ttizze (#81)
- feat: 翻訳コンポーネントの見た目と重いのを修正 @ttizze (#79)
- feat: Update translation function names for consistency @ttizze (#78)
- feat: Add Gemini API key form with alert message @ttizze (#76)
- Test commit @ttizze (#75)
- chore: Update PostgreSQL image version to 16 @ttizze (#74)
- Update database name in render.yaml @ttizze (#71)
- animate translation status @ttizze (#70)
- Refactor/translate route @coji (#65)
- geminiエラーの表示 @ttizze (#64)
- feat: start translation job in background @coji (#63)
- fix/seed @ttizze (#62)
- passwordログイン @ttizze (#61)
- chore: Update environment variables and add Google login configuration @ttizze (#54)
- 翻訳者名 @ttizze (#52)
- 投票と保存のbagfix @ttizze (#50)
- modelセレクト @ttizze (#49)
- ルーティング等の変更 @ttizze (#48)
- feat: Add loading spinner to submit button in GoogleSignInAndGeminiApiKeyForm.tsx @ttizze (#41)
- f @ttizze (#40)
- /にヘッダ追加 @ttizze (#39)
- Feature/translationProgress @ttizze (#38)
- redis @ttizze (#33)
- 翻訳状況とか @ttizze (#32)
- ログインコンポーネント @ttizze (#29)
- chore: Update URLTranslationForm and VoteButtons components @ttizze (#28)
- Feature/translateedit @ttizze (#27)
- translatecomponent @ttizze (#26)
- "Fix code formatting issues and add translation language select component" @ttizze (#25)
- chore: Remove unnecessary console.log statements and update user creation in auth.server.ts and userService.ts @ttizze (#10)
- Remove unnecessary console.log statements and update user creation in auth.server.ts and userService.ts @ttizze (#9)
- feat: Add number parameter to getOrCreateSourceTextId function @ttizze (#8)
- Update startCommand in services.yml and add password check in login form strategy @ttizze (#7)
- chore: Remove unnecessary console.log statements and update user creation in auth.server.ts and userService.ts @ttizze (#6)
- fix/google @ttizze (#5)
- fix/googleauath @ttizze (#4)
- Feature/render @ttizze (#3)
- fix readme @ttizze (#1)