ROS package collection
- tuw: Classes and functions which are making live easier in ROS
- tuw_json: This package allows to read and write tuw_msgs into json files
- tuw_rviz: RViz2 plugins for tuw_msgs
- ros2: this is the stable working branch
- ros2-devel: this is the devel branch and maybe unstable
- humble: indexed in rosdistro/humble/distribution.yaml
- jazzy: indexed in rosdistro/jazzy/distribution.yaml
- rolling: indexed in rosdistro/rolling/distribution.yaml
# fix format in this order!!!
ament_clang_format . --reformat
ament_uncrustify . --reformat
# update ros2 branch with ros2-devel
git checkout ros2; git merge ros2-devel; git push origin ros2; git checkout ros2-devel;