This node has 2 outputs, the first is for heating control, the second is for cooling control.
Both outputs provide a floating point value between 0 and 10.
The node takes the following configuration values:
- Gain: The % gain to apply to the difference between the setpoint and input value
- Ti: The time in seconds over which to apply the gain value
- Dead Band: The +/- each side of the setpoint to consider the setpoint reached
- Recalculation Time: The time in seconds between each calculation of values
- Setpoint Topic: the topic a message should have to set the setpoint
- Fire Topic: the topic a message should have to enable/disable Fire mode
- Fixed Value Topic: the topic a message should have to enable/disable fixed output mode
- Fixed Value: the value to output when in fixed mode, +ve for heating -ve for cooling
Before you can use the node you need to set the setpoint, to do this
you need send a message with the setpoint value as the payload and a
topic set to the Setpoint Topic
configured in the editor UI.
Fire mode sets all outputs to 0. Fire mode is enabled by sending a
message with a payload of false to and a topic equal to the
Fire Topic
. To disable Fire mode send a message with a payload of
true and a topic equal to the Fire Topic
This node gives a true output value when the input values are outside the deadband of the setpoint and a false when the setpoint is reached.