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게시물 리스트 조회 쿼리

검색 키워드 timestampdiff, case

   SELECT p.postIdx as postIdx,
          u.userIdx as userIdx,
          u.nickName as nickName,
          u.profileImgUrl as profileImgUrl,
          p.content as content,
          IF(postLikeCount is null, 0, postLikeCount) as postLikeCount,
          IF(commentCount is null, 0, commentCount) as commentCount,
               when timestampdiff(second, p.updatedAt, current_timestamp) < 60
                   then concat(timestampdiff(second, p.updatedAt, current_timestamp), '초 전')
               when timestampdiff(minute , p.updatedAt, current_timestamp) < 60
                   then concat(timestampdiff(minute, p.updatedAt, current_timestamp), '분 전')
               when timestampdiff(hour , p.updatedAt, current_timestamp) < 24
                   then concat(timestampdiff(hour, p.updatedAt, current_timestamp), '시간 전')
               when timestampdiff(day , p.updatedAt, current_timestamp) < 365
                   then concat(timestampdiff(day, p.updatedAt, current_timestamp), '일 전')
               else timestampdiff(year , p.updatedAt, current_timestamp)
           end as uploadTime,
          IF(pl.status = 'ACTIVE', 'Y', 'N') as likeOrNot
   FROM Post as p
       join User as u on u.userIdx = p.userIdx
       left join (select postIdx, count(postLikeidx) as postLikeCount from PostLike WHERE status = 'ACTIVE' group by postIdx) plc on plc.postIdx = p.postIdx
       left join (select postIdx, count(commentIdx) as commentCount from Comment WHERE status = 'ACTIVE' group by postIdx) c on c.postIdx = p.postIdx
       left join Follow as f on f.followeeIdx = p.userIdx and f.status = 'ACTIVE'
       left join PostLike as pl on pl.userIdx = f.followerIdx and pl.postIdx = p.postIdx
   WHERE f.followerIdx = ? and p.status = 'ACTIVE'
   group by p.postIdx


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