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Releases: uio-bmi/compairr

CompAIRR 1.13.0

29 Jan 16:13
Choose a tag to compare

Add option --no-matrix to avoid storage or output of the matrix. May be used with the -p option to save memory and time if there are many repertoires.

CompAIRR 1.12.0

29 Jan 14:14
Choose a tag to compare

CompAIRR 1.12.0 adds the new -e / --ignore-empty option to ignore empty sequences. If any sequences are ignored it will also show the number of ignored sequences.

CompAIRR 1.11.0: Add distance option, fix keep-columns option name

08 Feb 16:59
Choose a tag to compare

Add --distance option to write sequence distance to pairs file. Change --keep_columns option to --keep-columns.

CompAIRR 1.10.0

08 Feb 14:21
Choose a tag to compare

CompAIRR 1.10.0 introduces the new options --keep_columns (or -k) and --cdr3.

The --keep_columns option will copy specified columns from both input files into the pairs file when using the --pairs (or -p) option. Multiple column names separated by commas may be specified.

The --cdr3 option will use the cdr3 or cdr3_aa column instead of the default junction or junction_aa column.

Default repertoire ID's (1 or 2, respectively) will be used if the column is missing.

CompAIRR 1.9.0

09 Dec 10:49
Choose a tag to compare

CompAIRR 1.9.0 increases the resolution of timings to nanoseconds.

CompAIRR 1.8.0

15 Sep 15:24
Choose a tag to compare

Detect sequence duplicates. Add command to deduplicate datasets. Update documentation.

CompAIRR 1.7.0

03 Mar 14:15
Choose a tag to compare

Added option to compute Morisita-Horn or Jaccard index. Allow any distance d, albeit slow when d>2.

CompAIRR 1.6.1

04 Feb 15:59
Choose a tag to compare

Fix segfault with d=3 and very short sequences.

CompAIRR 1.6.0

20 Jan 13:12
Choose a tag to compare

Add support for up to 3 substitutions (d=3) using the -d 3 option. It will be very slow, but perhaps usable for small datasets.

CompAIRR 1.5.1

24 Nov 12:35
Choose a tag to compare

This version fixes another segmentation fault in clustering.