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Great CMS

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CMS for the GREAT platform - The Department for Business and Trade (DBT)



$ git clone
$ cd great-cms
$ [create and activate virtual environment]
$ make install_requirements
$ make secrets
$ make ARGUMENTS=migrate manage


Install virtualenv.

pip is required. Refer to the pip website for more info.


Secrets such as API keys and environment specific configurations are placed in conf/env/secrets-do-not-commit - a file that is not added to version control. To create a template secrets file with dummy values run make secrets.


Command Description
make clean Delete pyc files
make pytest Run all tests
make pytest Run all tests in file called
make pytest -- --last-failed` Run the last tests to fail
make pytest -- -k foo Run the test called foo
make pytest -- Run arbitrary pytest command
make test_load Run load tests
make flake8 Run flake8 linting only
make checks Run black, isort and flake8 in check mode
make autoformat Run black and isort in file-editing mode
make manage Run arbitrary management command
make webserver Run the development web server
make requirements Compile the requirements file
make install_requirements Installed the compile requirements file
make css Compile scss to css
make secrets Create your secret env var file

Setting up the local database

$ make database

make database drops then recreates the local database.

When setting up the project initially ensure you have postgress app running and have created a db called greatcms with a user called debug. Instructions shown here

Elevate user debug to superuser ALTER USER debug WITH SUPERUSER;

Setting up the Chrome Driver

  1. Download Chrome driver from the official site
  2. Place the binary on you PATH

Running browser tests in "headfull" mode

In case you'd like to run all browser tests in "headfull" mode, then simply set HEADLESS env var to false:

HEADLESS=false make ARGUMENTS="-m browser" pytest

You can also use regular pytest filters:

HEADLESS=false make ARGUMENTS="-k test_anonymous_user_should" pytest

Geolocation data

This project includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

Maxmind GeoLite2 is used to determine the city or country the user is from via their IP address. The geolocation dataset must be updated to stay fresh. To pull a fresh version of the geolocation data, ensure you have MAXMIND_LICENCE_KEY set to a valid key, then run:

make manage download_geolocation_data

and then delete the downloaded, unexpanded archives (*.gz) before commiting the changed *.mmdb files.

Wagtail Transfer

We use a third-party app to manage content import from one environment to another. There are specific docs on Wagtail Transer :doc:here <./wagtail_transfer>. PLEASE at last read the "GOTCHAS for developers"

Image storage

Local development uses, but you will be well advised to enable S3 storage if you are testing/using Wagtail Transfer

/etc/hosts file entry

UI clients on local expect the CMS to be reachable at the address Add the following to your /etc/hosts file:

You can test this works by attempting to visit in your browser.


Signed cookies are used as the session backend to avoid using a database. We therefore must avoid storing non-trivial data in the session, because the browser will be exposed to the data.

React components

To add new React components:

  1. Add the file to javascript/src/ e.g. javascript/src/myFile.js
  2. Update javascript/src/bundle.js e.g,
import myFile from './myFile';

export default {
  1. Run npm run build
  2. The new component is now available on window.magna.myFile

Node version

Make sure to use NodeJS 14.0.0.

Code formatting

We are using eslint with recommended settings

Pre-commit hooks

Highly recommended that you install pre-commit hooks. you can take advantage of pre-commit to autoformat and lint/check any code that's staged for commit

To get set up, in your activated virtualenv:

pip install pre-commit pre-commit install --install-hooks

FE Development

Helpful links

JS and CSS builds

Most front-end assets are compiled from a single webpack configuration in react-components/webpack.config.js. This compiles:

  • The main JS bundle for Magna/Logged in
  • The CSS styles for Magna/Logged in
  • The CSS styles for Profile
  • Some CSS for 'element components'
  • The JS for the cookie banner

To compile all the above, run the default build script:

$ npm run build

There are other CSS files which are not covered by the above Webpack config, which are found in domestic/sass. To compile those, run the domestic build script:

$ npm run build-domestic

Development builds

The above scripts are available as development-focused watch tasks, and result in development versions of the above assets:

$ npm run build:dev
$ npm run build-domestic:dev

NOTE: Make sure you run the production builds (not :dev) before committing work.

JS tests

JS tests can be run with:

$ npm run test

Or as a watch task using:

$ npm run test:dev

Staff SSO

On local machine, SSO is turned off by default. If you need to enable, set the ENFORCE_STAFF_SSO_ENABLED to true. You also need to set:


Speak to webops or a team mate for the above values.

Load tests

We're using locust to run load tests against local instance of the service and in-memory SQLite. See Django database documentation for more details.

To run them with default settings use:

make test_load

This target, will spawn a local instance of the service and tear it down after tests are finished.

You can control the execution with env vars:

LOCUST_FILE=tests/load/ NUM_USERS=10 HATCH_RATE=2 RUN_TIME=30s make test_load

Known issues

  • Local development environment: If you try to get to a URL (i.e. /export-plan/dashboard/) and you get an error similar to "AttributeError

AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute 'session_id'"/'company' et al, you need to go to /django-admin/ and logout from the top right hand side. This is a temporary workaround to resolve an incompatibility between great-cms and directory-sso.

  • On ubuntu you may need to run sudo apt-get install libpq-dev if after trying to install dependencies you get an error message relating to psycopg.

  • On latest release of MacOs make install_requirements might fail, please run brew install openssl then env LDFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" make install_requirements

Docker setup

To setup and start Great CMS to run entirely in docker containers, use:


This will clone required repositories (directory-api, directory-forms-api, directory-sso and directory-sso-proxy) into the parent directory, and build the required containers.

During the process you will be asked to populate some environment variables: contact a team member to get the appropriate values.

You will also need to add the following entries to your hosts file (/etc/hosts):

The site will then be available at

When the above setup has already been run, Great CMS can be started again with:

docker-compose -f development.yml up

Helpful links

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