It's raining too much..
- Jonghyeon Park. Aug, 2024.
This organization is for some team projects driven by the undergraduate course students at Chonnam National University.
It's raining too much..
- Jonghyeon Park. Aug, 2024.
This organization is for some team projects driven by the undergraduate course students at Chonnam National University.
Capstone 1: (Research) Implementation of dummy server for defining data exchange structure
Python 1
Capstone 1: (Research) Implementation of legacy Arduino Uno controller
Oasis24 VPN configuration template for development environment
Oasis24 hackathon technical research and utilities
Jupyter Notebook
Oasis24 hackathon technical research for WebAPI
Capstone 1: (Research) Implementation of esp32cam's SSD1306 OLED display module control
Capstone 1: (Research) Implementation of Arduino camera and BLE communication control
Capstone 1: (Research) Implementation of BLE communication between Arduino and Flutter application