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Merge pull request #5557 from unisonweb/topic/pattern-compilation
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Rework data pattern matching to use default cases
  • Loading branch information
dolio authored Jan 29, 2025
2 parents abc9720 + cd81713 commit 02e09da
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Showing 3 changed files with 192 additions and 41 deletions.
152 changes: 117 additions & 35 deletions unison-runtime/src/Unison/Runtime/Machine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -683,14 +683,13 @@ eval env !denv !activeThreads !stk !k r (Match i br) = do
n <- peekOffN stk i
eval env denv activeThreads stk k r $ selectBranch n br
eval env !denv !activeThreads !stk !k r (DMatch mr i br) = do
(t, stk) <- dumpDataNoTag mr stk =<< peekOff stk i
eval env denv activeThreads stk k r $
selectBranch (maskTags t) br
(nx, stk) <- dataBranch mr stk br =<< bpeekOff stk i
eval env denv activeThreads stk k r nx
eval env !denv !activeThreads !stk !k r (NMatch _mr i br) = do
n <- peekOffN stk i
eval env denv activeThreads stk k r $ selectBranch n br
eval env !denv !activeThreads !stk !k r (RMatch i pu br) = do
(t, stk) <- dumpDataNoTag Nothing stk =<< peekOff stk i
(t, stk) <- dumpDataValNoTag stk =<< peekOff stk i
if t == TT.pureEffectTag
then eval env denv activeThreads stk k r pu
else case ANF.unpackTags t of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,46 +999,41 @@ buildData !stk !r !t (VArgV i) = do
l = fsize stk - i
{-# INLINE buildData #-}

dumpDataValNoTag ::
Stack ->
Val ->
IO (PackedTag, Stack)
dumpDataValNoTag stk (BoxedVal c) =
(closureTag c,) <$> dumpDataNoTag Nothing stk c
dumpDataValNoTag _ v =
die $ "dumpDataValNoTag: unboxed val: " ++ show v
{-# inline dumpDataValNoTag #-}

-- Dumps a data type closure to the stack without writing its tag.
-- Instead, the tag is returned for direct case analysis.
dumpDataNoTag ::
Maybe Reference ->
Stack ->
Val ->
IO (PackedTag, Stack)
Closure ->
IO Stack
dumpDataNoTag !mr !stk = \case
-- Normally we want to avoid dumping unboxed values since it's unnecessary, but sometimes we don't know the type of
-- the incoming value and end up dumping unboxed values, so we just push them back to the stack as-is. e.g. in type-casts/coercions
val@(UnboxedVal _ t) -> do
Enum _ _ -> pure stk
Data1 _ _ x -> do
stk <- bump stk
poke stk val
pure (unboxedPackedTag t, stk)
BoxedVal clos -> case clos of
(Enum _ t) -> pure (t, stk)
(Data1 _ t x) -> do
stk <- bump stk
poke stk x
pure (t, stk)
(Data2 _ t x y) -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
poke stk x
pure (t, stk)
(DataG _ t seg) -> do
stk <- dumpSeg stk seg S
pure (t, stk)
clo ->
die $
"dumpDataNoTag: bad closure: "
++ show clo
++ maybe "" (\r -> "\nexpected type: " ++ show r) mr
unboxedPackedTag :: UnboxedTypeTag -> PackedTag
unboxedPackedTag = \case
CharTag -> TT.charTag
FloatTag -> TT.floatTag
IntTag -> TT.intTag
NatTag -> TT.natTag
poke stk x
pure stk
Data2 _ _ x y -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
stk <$ poke stk x
DataG _ _ seg -> dumpSeg stk seg S
clo ->
die $
"dumpDataNoTag: bad closure: "
++ show clo
++ maybe "" (\r -> "\nexpected type: " ++ show r) mr
{-# INLINE dumpDataNoTag #-}

-- Note: although the representation allows it, it is impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1995,6 +1989,94 @@ selectBranch t (TestW df cs) = lookupWithDefault df t cs
selectBranch _ (TestT {}) = error "impossible"
{-# INLINE selectBranch #-}

-- Combined branch selection and field dumping function for data types.
-- Fields should only be dumped on _matches_, not default cases, because
-- default cases potentially cover many constructors which could result
-- in a variable number of values being put on the stack. Default cases
-- uniformly expect _no_ values to be added to the stack.
:: Maybe Reference -> Stack -> MBranch -> Closure -> IO (MSection, Stack)
dataBranch mrf stk (Test1 u cu df) = \case
Enum _ t
| maskTags t == u -> pure (cu, stk)
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data1 _ t x
| maskTags t == u -> do
stk <- bump stk
(cu, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data2 _ t x y
| maskTags t == u -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
(cu, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
DataG _ t seg
| maskTags t == u -> (cu,) <$> dumpSeg stk seg S
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
clo -> dataBranchClosureError mrf clo
dataBranch mrf stk (Test2 u cu v cv df) = \case
Enum _ t
| maskTags t == u -> pure (cu, stk)
| maskTags t == v -> pure (cv, stk)
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data1 _ t x
| maskTags t == u -> do
stk <- bump stk
(cu, stk) <$ poke stk x
| maskTags t == v -> do
stk <- bump stk
(cv, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data2 _ t x y
| maskTags t == u -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
(cu, stk) <$ poke stk x
| maskTags t == v -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
(cv, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
DataG _ t seg
| maskTags t == u -> (cu,) <$> dumpSeg stk seg S
| maskTags t == v -> (cv,) <$> dumpSeg stk seg S
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
clo -> dataBranchClosureError mrf clo
dataBranch mrf stk (TestW df bs) = \case
Enum _ t
| Just ca <- EC.lookup (maskTags t) bs -> pure (ca, stk)
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data1 _ t x
| Just ca <- EC.lookup (maskTags t) bs -> do
stk <- bump stk
(ca, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
Data2 _ t x y
| Just ca <- EC.lookup (maskTags t) bs -> do
stk <- bumpn stk 2
pokeOff stk 1 y
(ca, stk) <$ poke stk x
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
DataG _ t seg
| Just ca <- EC.lookup (maskTags t) bs ->
(ca,) <$> dumpSeg stk seg S
| otherwise -> pure (df, stk)
clo -> dataBranchClosureError mrf clo
dataBranch _ _ br = \_ ->
dataBranchBranchError br
{-# inline dataBranch #-}

dataBranchClosureError :: Maybe Reference -> Closure -> IO a
dataBranchClosureError mrf clo =
die $ "dataBranch: bad closure: "
++ show clo
++ maybe "" (\ r -> "\nexpected type: " ++ show r) mrf

dataBranchBranchError :: MBranch -> IO a
dataBranchBranchError br =
die $ "dataBranch: unexpected branch: " ++ show br

-- Splits off a portion of the continuation up to a given prompt.
-- The main procedure walks along the 'code' stack `k`, keeping track of how
Expand Down
69 changes: 64 additions & 5 deletions unison-runtime/src/Unison/Runtime/Pattern.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Unison.Runtime.Pattern

import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, modify, runState, state)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.Map.Strict
( fromListWith,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +93,11 @@ builtinDataSpec = Map.fromList decls
| (_, x, y) <- builtinEffectDecls

findPattern :: Eq v => v -> PatternRow v -> Maybe (Pattern v)
findPattern v (PR ms _ _)
| (_, p : _) <- break ((== v) . loc) ms = Just p
| otherwise = Nothing

-- A pattern compilation matrix is just a list of rows. There is
-- no need for the rows to have uniform length; the variable
-- annotations on the patterns in the rows keep track of what
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,8 +131,11 @@ refutable (P.Unbound _) = False
refutable (P.Var _) = False
refutable _ = True

rowIrrefutable :: PatternRow v -> Bool
rowIrrefutable (PR ps _ _) = null ps
noMatches :: PatternRow v -> Bool
noMatches (PR ps _ _) = null ps

rowRefutable :: PatternRow v -> Bool
rowRefutable (PR ps g _) = isJust g || not (null ps)

firstRow :: ([P.Pattern v] -> Maybe v) -> Heuristic v
firstRow f (PM (r : _)) = f $ matches r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,6 +490,19 @@ splitMatrix v rf cons (PM rs) =
mmap = fmap (\(t, fs) -> (t, splitRow v rf t fs =<< rs)) cons

-- Eliminates a variable from a matrix, keeping the rows that are
-- _not_ specific matches on that variable (so, would potentially
-- occur in a default case).
antiSplitMatrix ::
(Var v) =>
v ->
PatternMatrix v ->
PatternMatrix v
antiSplitMatrix v (PM rs) = PM (f =<< rs)
-- keep rows that do not have a refutable pattern for v
f r = [ r | isNothing $ findPattern v r ]

-- Monad for pattern preparation. It is a state monad carrying a fresh
-- variable source, the list of variables bound the pattern being
-- prepared, and a variable renaming mapping.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -596,7 +618,7 @@ compile _ _ (PM []) = apps' bu [text () "pattern match failure"]
bu = ref () (Builtin "bug")
compile spec ctx m@(PM (r : rs))
| rowIrrefutable r =
| noMatches r =
case guard r of
Nothing -> body r
Just g -> iff mempty g (body r) $ compile spec ctx (PM rs)
Expand All @@ -614,8 +636,11 @@ compile spec ctx m@(PM (r : rs))
case lookupData rf spec of
Right cons ->
match () (var () v) $
buildCase spec rf False cons ctx
<$> splitMatrix v (Just rf) (numberCons cons) m
(buildCase spec rf False cons ctx
<$> splitMatrix v (Just rf) ncons m)
++ buildDefaultCase spec False needDefault ctx dm
needDefault = length ncons < length cons
Left err -> internalBug err
| PReq rfs <- ty =
match () (var () v) $
Expand All @@ -631,7 +656,29 @@ compile spec ctx m@(PM (r : rs))
internalBug "unknown pattern compilation type"
v = choose heuristics m
ncons = relevantConstructors m v
ty = Map.findWithDefault Unknown v ctx
dm = antiSplitMatrix v m

-- Calculates the data constructors—with their arities—that should be
-- matched on when splitting a matrix on a given variable. This
-- includes
relevantConstructors :: Ord v => PatternMatrix v -> v -> [(Int, Int)]
relevantConstructors (PM rows) v = search [] rows
search acc (row : rows)
| rowRefutable row = case findPattern v row of
Just (P.Constructor _ (ConstructorReference _ t) sps) ->
search ((fromIntegral t, length sps) : acc) rows
Just (P.Boolean _ b) ->
search ((if b then 1 else 0, 0) : acc) rows
Just p ->
internalBug $ "unexpected data pattern: " ++ show p
-- if the pattern is not found, it must have been irrefutable,
-- so contributes no relevant constructor.
_ -> search acc rows
-- irrefutable row, or no rows left
search acc _ = nubOrd $ reverse acc

buildCaseBuiltin ::
(Var v) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,6 +724,18 @@ buildCase spec r eff cons ctx0 (t, vts, m) =
vs = ((),) . fst <$> vts
ctx = Map.fromList vts <> ctx0

buildDefaultCase ::
(Var v) =>
DataSpec ->
Bool ->
Bool ->
Ctx v ->
PatternMatrix v ->
[MatchCase () (Term v)]
buildDefaultCase spec _eff needed ctx pm
| needed = [MatchCase (Unbound ()) Nothing $ compile spec ctx pm]
| otherwise = []

mkRow ::
(Var v) =>
v ->
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion unison-runtime/src/Unison/Runtime/Stack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Unison.Runtime.Stack
UnboxedTypeTag (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ module Unison.Runtime.Stack

import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.IORef (IORef)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,6 +372,15 @@ splitData = \case
(DataG r t seg) -> Just (r, t, segToList seg)
_ -> Nothing

closureTag :: Closure -> PackedTag
closureTag (Enum _ t) = t
closureTag (Data1 _ t _) = t
closureTag (Data2 _ t _ _) = t
closureTag (DataG _ t _) = t
closureTag c =
throw $ Panic "closureTag: unexpected closure" (Just $ BoxedVal c)
{-# inline closureTag #-}

-- | Converts a list of integers representing an unboxed segment back into the
-- appropriate segment. Segments are stored backwards in the runtime, so this
-- reverses the list.
Expand Down

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