Releases: urbanairship/android-library
Patch release that includes bug fixes for Embedded Content and Preference Center, and accessibility improvements for Message Center.
- Fixed an issue with container child item measurement in Scenes, when margins were set on the container items.
- Fixed a Preference Center bug that could lead to subscription channel chips not being visible when initially displaying a Preference Center.
- Fixed dismissing multiple embedded views in the same session.
- Fixed an issue with automation trigger state not correctly persisting across sessions.
- Message Center accessibility improvements.
- Updated the default style for the pull to dismiss view in In-App Message Banners to better match iOS.
Patch release that includes fixes for Preference Center.
- Fixed warning message on preference center email entry field.
- Fixed country code listing.
Patch release that includes fixes for Preference Center, Privacy Manager, and Embedded Content.
- Fixed a Preference Center issue that caused contact subscription toggles to show the incorrect state after being toggled
- Fixed test dependency being included in the automation module
- Fixed Embedded Content impression event interval
- Fixed privacy manager crash when enabling, disabling, or setting an empty set of features
- Contact channel listing is now refreshed on foreground and from a background push
Minor SDK release that fixes a potential crash related to analytics during app init and adds public
builders for modifying InAppMessage
and AutomationSchedule
objects via extenders set onLegacyInAppMessaging
- Fixed a potential crash related to analytics during app init
- Added builders for modifying
objects via extenders set onLegacyInAppMessaging
Major SDK release with several breaking changes.
See the Migration Guides for more info.
- The Airship SDK now requires
version 34 (Android 14) or higher. - New Automation module
- Check schedule’s start date before executing, to better handle updates to the scheduled start date
- Improved image loading for In-App messages, Scenes, and Surveys
- Reset GIF animations on visibility change in Scenes and Surveys
- Pause Story progress while videos are loading
- Concurrent automation processing to reduce latency if more than one automation is triggered at the same time
- Embedded Scenes & Survey support
- New module
to support embedding a Scene & Survey in compose - Added new compound triggers and IAX event triggers
- Ban lists support
- Added new
to control access to feature flags - Added support for multiple deferred feature flag resolution
- Added contact management support in preference centers
- Migrated to non-transitive R classes
- Removed
Initial alpha release of SDK 18.0.0. This version is not suitable for a production app, but we encourage testing out the new APIs and providing us feedback so we can make changes before the final SDK 18 release.
The Airship SDK now requires compileSdk
version 34 (Android 14) or higher.
- Improved image loading for In-App messages, Scenes, and Surveys
- Reset GIF animations on visibility change in Scenes and Surveys
- Pause Story progress while videos are loading
- Migrated to non-transitive R classes
- Check schedule’s start date before executing, to better handle updates to the scheduled start date
- Removed
See the Migration Guide for further details.
Patch release that improves first run display times for Scenes, Surveys, and In-App Automations.
- Fixed checking for channel ID being created when preparing a IAX to display causing messages to be delayed late on first run.
- Experiments and IAX that use either personalization or server side segmentation will now block and wait for the channel to become available instead of retrying after 30 seconds.
- Fixed server side segmentation & personalization for the device property
app version
to use the version name instead of the version code for IAX and Feature Flags. This was a regression introduced in 17.0.0. The local audience app version selector will continue to use version code.
Initial alpha release of SDK 18.0.0. This version is not suitable for a production app, but we encourage testing out the new APIs and providing us feedback so we can make changes before the final SDK 18 release.
The Airship SDK now requires compileSdk
version 34 (Android 14) or higher.
- Improved image loading for In-App messages, Scenes, and Surveys
- Reset GIF animations on visibility change in Scenes and Surveys
- Pause Story progress while videos are loading
- Migrated to non-transitive R classes
- Check schedule’s start date before executing, to better handle updates to the scheduled start date
- Removed
See the Migration Guide for further details.
Minor release that fixes potential crashes when evaluating experiments before a Channel ID has been created. Apps that make use of experiments or holdout groups should update to this version or later.
- Avoid NPE in
when evaluating experiments before a Channel ID has been created.
Patch release that fixes a potential crash on Android 13 (API 33) channel ID creation delay after enabling a feature when none was enabled. The SDK will new create the channel ID without having to relaunch the app. Apps that have no features enabled at launch should update to this version or later.
- Fixed channel ID creation delay after enabling a feature when none was enabled.
- Fixed a potential NPE when reading from intent extras on API 33.
Patch release that adjusts locale targeting behavior for In-App Automation and messaging. The SDK will now check the device's primary language against the target locale, instead of checking whether any user selected languages match the target locale.
- Adjust locale targeting behavior to only consider the primary locale selection.