Cross-platform tool for labeling image data. Video introduction to anno.
- Supports a wide range of marker types:
- Point
- Oriented point
- Axis aligned rectangle
- Rectangle with rotation
- Polygon
- Polyline
- Configurable rendering of all marker types.
- Configurable dependencies between properties of markers: i.e. some markers can share width or height or position on image.
- Supports a wide variety of image formats. Pre-build Windows version supports EXR format.
- The project file is JSON file wich contains project-specific marker definitions and labeling information.
- The user interface is optimized for fast sub-pixel accurate labeling.
- Windows / macOS / Ubuntu
There are options:
- Pre-build binaries from the release section.
- Cross-platform build is possible with Qt Creator from the open source Qt setup.
Project file format:
The format of the marker data depends on the type of marker value:
- circle:
center_x center_y radius
- oriented_point:
x y angle
- oriented_rect:
center_x center_y width height angle
- point:
x y
- polygon:
x0 y0 x1 y1 ... xN yN
- polyline:
x0 y0 x1 y1 ... xN yN
- rect:
x0 y0 x1 y1
All coordinates are in image pixels, angles are in radians.