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The following is a quick recap/high level view on what we are trying to do.

#Scope From a high level, what we are trying to achieve is to recover semantic information in programs by identifying known code and data structures in their binary form (i.e., executable files as produced by a compiler). The ability to so is useful for a large number of reverse engineering applications. But this is also a challenging process because the binary representation of a program (i.e., what is directly executed by the CPU) is very poor in terms of semantic information, which we can consider, more abstractly, as "meta-data" about the program. Without such information, we don't really know much about what a program does (its semantics) or about its structure, i.e., how "things" (variables, functions, data) are organized in the binary file or in memory.

#Goals Our first objective is to recognize known data structures in binary. However, directly analyzing data in binary form is not practical: what we see in practice is a large slab of binary data, with no idea where variables start and end, how many variables there are, and how they are used in the program.

In order to identify and classify data within a program, we need to (1) look at how the code accesses memory and (2) to infer access patterns from there. For instance, if we observe that a function reads N integers in a row through a loop, we can infer that these memory locations correspond to an array of integers. However, until we actually "see" code accessing it, we have no idea what these memory locations correponds to. In fact, we cannot even determine which memory locations even exist before those are accessed by the program (with a few exceptions, e.g., when information is required by the dynamic linker for relocation, but we can safely ignore these for now).

So, our goal is to analyze low-level artifacts of code in order to infer information about data. And this information that we infer from data will help us infer information about high-level artifacts about code. To clarify, possible low-level artifacts are memory accesses, CPU instructions, and things that you would typically see in assembly, whereas high-level artifacts are high-level notions such as present in source-code, like types (int, string, array, ), or functional descriptions (e.g. "function storing user input in an array", or "function computing a sha1 hash").


We need to design a system which "maps" code access patterns to data structure types, with the following components:

  • Mechanisms to browse through binary programs, analyze code and identify instructions accessing memory. angr provides the required abstractions to implement those mechanisms.

  • A set of feature vectors over assembly primitives (e.g., instructions) that are relevant to data structure identification.

  • A mechanism to automatically generate ground truth data-structure information from the knowledge of a memory address.

Note: on the longer term, we want to generalize this to something that maps high-level, source-code level abstractions to low-level., assembly-level primitves, not just memory access patterns <-> data structure types.

How to use Bin2vec:

from bin2vec.process_binary_for_graph import Graph
from neural_models.data_processing.parse_graphs_for_gcn import GCN

# create bin2vec graph from cfg
#binary_path is a path to binary file
bin2vec_graph = Graph(binary_path)

#train using bin2vec model
#graphs is a list of bin2vec graphs / labels is a list of corresponding labels
gcn = GCN(graphs, labels)
adjacency_matrixes , feature_matrixes , one_hot_matrixes = gcn.preprocess()
gcn.train_gcn(adjacency_matrixes, feature_matrixes, one_hot_matrixes)

file contains an example of how to run bin2vec for your binaries.

you can run this file by executing the below command.

python3 binaries/juliet_bins

for more detail about how bin2vec works watch this video:


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