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Leonid Petrov edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 8 revisions

Wiki for development

This wiki is aimed to better organize open issues: there are tasks for some day, and there are also tasks for which it's not clear whether they should be implemented. All other tasks (the really important ones) will be left in issues.

Things which need constant maintenance

  • seminars.yml - regular meeting times, and seminar organizers
  • each year create new archive seminar pages
  • Lou's list and SIS listing of courses being offered. This needs to be checked, and the term name should be updated once a semester
  • there are some pages which need to be updated year to year, like contacts in UG, teaching info in G, and some more. Hope this does not get out of hand

Tasks for some day

  • collect and put somewhere information on reading seminars
  • collect and put somewhere information on undergraduate research opportunities
  • Move content from various PDF forms onto web (long task)
  • Make a new special department calendar to display events other than seminars (like tea times)
  • How to implement SSL: we have nginx and it can serve SSL'ed content, and it talks to S3 over VPC which is good

Tasks which may be not needed

  • Add per-letter alphabetic listing of people
  • Possibly implement a full text search on the math website using jekyll and plugins
  • Figure out how the math-help@ email works and maybe optimize
  • Possibly Integrate AWM and Math tutoring webpages into the new website
  • Sign-up forms on website (to mailing lists etc.)
  • Add calendaring feature to book our internal rooms at Kerchof
  • Possibly implement comments feature for some pages
  • Add (and popularize) proposed grad courses like in the old DGS page?