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This is an all-in-one container for iRedMail with OpenLDAP backend. It uses Phusion's baseimage-docker to make sure all processes shut down correctly.

Backups are disabled, because I snapshot my Docker volumes with ZFS regularily. To reenable them, just comment out one line from the Dockerfile.

If you like or use this project, please star it ★ on Github and Docker Hub.


Replace {variables} properly.

  1. Generate your iRedMail config file using the configure script. Amend passwords as you wish afterwards. If you are updating your container, read "Upgrading your container to a new version of iRedMail" below first.

  2. Build your image with docker build -t iredmail:0.9.6-0 --build-arg DOMAIN={first domain} build/. Note that this step will take some time.

  3. Create an intermediate container with docker create --name=iredmail iredmail:0.9.6-0.

  4. Extract some folders from the intermediate container and fix the owners:

    docker cp iredmail:/var/lib/ldap/{dn2dnsname} slapd-data
    docker cp iredmail:/var/vmail/vmail1 mails
    docker cp iredmail:/var/lib/dkim mail-domain-keys
    docker cp iredmail:/var/lib/mysql mail-mysql-data
    docker cp iredmail:/var/lib/clamav mail-clamav-data
    chown -R 107:111 slapd-data
    chown -R 2000:2000 mails
    chown -R 110:115 mail-domain-keys
    chown -R 105:109 mail-mysql-data
    chown -R 109:114 mail-clamav-data
  5. Remove the intermediate container with docker rm iredadmin.

  6. Start your permanent container with volumes properly attached. You will need a couple of docker arguments. Here's an example docker-compose file:

      image: iredmail
      hostname: mail
      domainname: {first domain}
        - "25:25"
        - "587:587"
        - "993:993"
        - /path/to/slapd-data:/var/lib/ldap/{dn2dnsname}
        - /path/to/mails:/var/vmail/vmail1
        - /path/to/mail-domain-keys:/var/lib/dkim
        - /path/to/mail-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
        - /path/to/mail-clamav-data:/var/lib/clamav
        - /path/to/ssl.key:/etc/ssl/private/iRedMail.key:ro # user: root, group: root, rights: 644
        - /path/to/ssl.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/iRedMail.crt:ro # user: root, group: root, rights: 644
        - SYS_PTRACE # for UWSGI-iRedAdmin runsv script
        - NET_ADMIN
  7. Save your configuration file build/config in a save place. You will urgently need it if you are upgrading your container to a new version of iRedMail in future.

Upgrading your container to a new version of iRedMail

The configuration variables may change from release to release, so you have to recreate this file using the configure script if you are updating to a new version of iRedMail. You pick dummy values for all passwords.

Afterwards, compare it to your former config file and copy all passwords from the old to the new config file. Your LDAP_SUFFIX should not have changed, too - check the dn2dnsname you have provided if this is the case.

Using this updated config file, build your updated iRedMail container (see "Usage" above from step 2 on).

If you have lost the config file, you can restore all passwords manually from /opt/ within your current container.

Upgrade notices

If you're uncertain, do not skip releases and only update from one release to the release immediately following it.

0.9.5(-1) -> 0.9.6

Restart your iRedMail container using the new iredmail:0.9.6 image.


Execute the following SQL in iredapd's MySQL database:

CREATE INDEX client_address_passed ON greylisting_tracking (client_address, passed);

0.9.4 -> 0.9.5(-1)

First, shutdown your running iRedMail container.


MySQL has been updated from 5.5 to 5.7, so we need to run the mysql_upgrade command twice. Please set your path accordingly.

docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/mail-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql mysql:5.6 bash`

Inside the container, run:

chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
mysqld_safe &
mysql_upgrade -u root -p
mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown

Afterwards, repeat the same steps with mysql:5.7.


Slapd database backend has changed from hdb to mdb, so we need to export and import again our data. Please set your {dn2dnsname} and paths accordingly.

docker run -i --rm -v /path/to/slapd-data:/var/lib/ldap/{dn2dnsname} iredmail:0.9.4-2 slapcat -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf > ldap_export.ldif
docker run -i --rm -v /path/to/slapd-data-new:/var/lib/ldap/{dn2dnsname} iredmail:0.9.5-1 slapadd -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf < ldap_export.ldif

Now, restart your iRedMail container using the new iredmail:0.9.5-1 image.


Within the recreated container, changedir into /opt/www/roundcubemail and run bin/


Pull requests very welcome! :-)


iRedMail Docker image based on Phusion's baseimage-docker








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