This is a template project for deploy on Kubernetes (Minikube) a Wordpress 9.5 application with well-optimized nginx ingress controller, config Maps, secrets and more.
- Author: Gonzalo Plaza [email protected]
- Version: 1.0.0
- Minikube installed locally
- Kubectl v1.11.1
Generate certs manually:
$ mkdir certs
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./certs/tls-key.key -out -/certs/tls-cert.crt
Create k8s secret for certs:
$ kubectl create secret tls tls-certificate --key ./certs/tls-key.key --cert ./certs/tls-cert.crt
$ kubectl label secret tls-certificate app=wpdemo
Create Resources (Services, Ingress, Deployments ...):
$ kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f db-tier-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f app-tier-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress.yaml
Create local host for domain (or edit it)
- Adds to /etc/hosts file with Minikube cluster ip
- Example:
To get cluster IP:
$ minikube ip //Get Kubernetes Cluster IP
Test it!
$ minikube dashboard //Check cluster resources
Demo Wordpress Credentials:
- username: admin
- password: Demo12345!
Delete all resources
$ kubectl delete svc,pv,pvc,deployments,pods,secrets,ingress -l app=wpdemo
- Optimize NGINX Ingress configuration
- Generate installation sh script
- Configuration documentation