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Issues playing the channels

jvonhoff edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

"The TV session has ended" . No video is shown. Etc.

Basically, something is not working correctly and thus dizquetv is not able to play stuff from Plex. The things that can go wrong are:

  • dizqueTV's connection where it downloads videos from Plex. Usually if the backend route shows up as Ok in dizqueTV's Plex settings tab, this is not the case.
  • Plex not being able to find the video for some reason. If this was the case, the video would also be unplayable in Plex.
  • Issues when transcoding the video in dizquetv's side
    • Initially, try finding the item in Plex (the movie/episode that dizqueTV is trying to play) and, under the 3-dot-menu, click Analyze. After that, try stopping & starting the dizqueTV channel to see if that fixes the problem.
    • For further debugging, try enabling ffmpeg logging in the FFMPEG settings tab and pay attention to dizqueTV's logs when attempting to play the video. If you need help interpreting the logs, try getting help at the discord or at the subreddit.
Warning: Always be careful when sharing dizqueTV's logs in the internet. They may contains things like your plex server's IP address and your Plex access token (which can give someone access to your plex library and settings). So it's recommended to censor that information out before sharing the log, or only include the error message from the log and not the whole context-

It's recommended to use VLC or MPV (using the web UI's TV guide) to test the channel, to make sure it is not a client issue.