2021 latest features
The new year brings to features to the CakePHP fixture factories!
You now have the possibility to mark properties as unique. Whenever a unique property is populated by the developer (not by Faker), the package will check that this property is found in the test DB. If so, the package will merge the provided data with the existing entity. This applies only to associations and only when the entities get persisted. Primary keys are considered as unique per se, you do not have to define them as unique.
The factories now accept entities and arrays of entities as parameters. You can this easily inject an existing set of entities in your factory.
Abstract tables are now excluded from the tables proposed to be baked by the bake command.
Hidden properties were not set in associations. This is now fixed.
Faker was updated to the newly created active repository.
Tests now cover PHP 7.2 to PHP 8.0.
The CakePHP 3 branch does not support PHP 7.0 anymore.