Terraform module to create Cloudwatch Real User monitoring App
- profile - The profile from ~/.aws/credentials file used for authentication. By default it is the default profile.
- accountID - ID of your AWS account. It is a required variable normally used in JSON files or while assuming a role.
- region - The region for the resources. By default it is eu-west-1.
- assumeRole - Enable / Disable role assume. This is disabled by default and normally used for sub organization configuration.
- assumableRole - The role the user will assume if assumeRole is enabled. By default, it is OrganizationAccountAccessRole.
- name - Application name. Required value.
- domain - Root domain of the application. Required value.
- cw_log_enabled - Logs are kept for 30 days in RUM, if you want to keep them for longer, enable CW logging. Defaults to false.
- custom_events_enabled - By default RUM logs only what is in the telemetries configuration. In case you want to log custom events, enable this variable. Defaults to false.
- telemetries - List of the types of telemetry data. By default we collect all types. However you can limit down the list here. Example: ["errors", "performance"]. Defaults to ["errors", "performance", "http"]
- cookies_enabled - If enabled, events will be aggregated based on user or a session. Defaults to true.
- xray_enabled - If enabled, X Ray will be used to debug the end to end request through all of the AWS services. Defaults to false.
- excluded_pages - List of pages to exclude from monitoring. By default, the list is empty.
- included_pages - List of pages to monitor. If empty, all pages are monitored. By default empty list.
- favorite_pages - List of pages that will be flagged as favourite in the RUM. By default empty list.
- sample_rate - Percent of sessions you would like to collect and analyze. 1 is 100%, 0.1 is 10%. By default it is set to 100%.
variable accountID { default = "123456789012"}
module "cw_rum_example_admin_app" {
source = "git::https://github.com/virsas/mod-terraform-aws-cw-rum.git?ref=v2.0.0"
profile = "default"
accountID = var.accountID
region = "eu-west-1"
name = "admin_app"
domain = "example.com"
- id
- arn
- app_monitor_id
- cw_log_group