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Tg Stock Market Console Port
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Requested by Kirie. Ported from TG.
Some parts of the code were changed to make it more lorefriendly to the Project Moon universe.
The defined list of all the districts is so i dont have to post that long list over and over and over.
Hypothetically can be used by Representative for ahn generation.
add: Lore defines file
add: stockexchange computer


it begins

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InsightfulParasite committed Jan 1, 2025
1 parent abd63ad commit e721291
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,298 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions code/__DEFINES/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
/// BYOND's string procs don't support being used on datum references (as in it doesn't look for a name for stringification)
/// We just use this macro to ensure that we will only pass strings to this BYOND-level function without developers needing to really worry about it.
#define LOWER_TEXT(thing) lowertext(UNLINT("[thing]"))

/// Folder directory for strings
#define STRING_DIRECTORY "strings"

#define ALPHABET list("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")
#define VOWELS list("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")
#define CONSONANTS list("b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions code/controllers/subsystem/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
name = "Stock Market"
wait = 30 SECONDS
var/list/stocks = list()
var/list/last_read = list()
var/list/stock_brokers = list()

return ..()

/datum/controller/subsystem/stockmarket/fire(resumed = 0)
for(var/stock in stocks)
var/datum/stock/S = stock

stock_brokers = list()
var/list/fnames = list("Goldman", "Edward", "James", "Luis", "Alexander", "Walter", "Eugene", "Mary", "Morgan", "Jane", "Elizabeth", "Xavier", "Hayden", "Samuel", "Lee")
var/list/names = list("Johnson", "Rothschild", "Sachs", "Stanley", "Hepburn", "Brown", "McColl", "Fischer", "Edwards", "Becker", "Witter", "Walker", "Lambert", "Smith", "Montgomery", "Lynch", "Roosevelt", "Lehman")
var/list/first = list("The", "First", "Premier", "Finest", "Prime")
var/list/company = list("Investments", "Securities", "Corporation", "Bank", "Brokerage", "& Co.", "Brothers", "& Sons", "Investement Firm", "Union", "Partners", "Capital", "Trade", "Holdings")
for(var/i in 1 to 5)
var/pname = ""
switch (rand(1,5))
if (1)
pname = "[prob(10) ? pick(first) + " " : null][pick(names)] [pick(company)]"
if (2)
pname = "[pick(names)] & [pick(names)][prob(25) ? " " + pick(company) : null]"
if (3)
pname = "[prob(45) ? pick(first) + " " : null] District [rand(4,24)] [pick(company)]"
if (4)
pname = "[prob(10) ? "The " : null][pick(names)] District [rand(4,24)] [pick(company)]"
if (5)
pname = "[prob(10) ? "The " : null][pick(fnames)] [pick(names)][prob(10) ? " " + pick(company) : null]"
if (pname in stock_brokers)
stock_brokers += pname

if (length(name) <= 4)
return uppertext(name)
var/list/w = splittext(name, " ")
if (w.len >= 2)
var/d = ""
for(var/i in 1 to min(5, w.len))
d += uppertext(ascii2text(text2ascii(w[i], 1)))
return d
var/d = uppertext(ascii2text(text2ascii(name, 1)))
for(var/i in 2 to length(name))
if (prob(100 / i))
d += uppertext(ascii2text(text2ascii(name, i)))
return d

/datum/controller/subsystem/stockmarket/proc/generateStocks(amt = 15)
var/list/fruits = list("Banana", "Mimana", "Watermelon", "Ambrosia", "Pomegranate", "Reishi", "Papaya", "Mango", "Tomato", "Conkerberry", "Wood", "Lychee", "Mandarin", "Harebell", "Pumpkin", "Rhubarb", "Tamarillo", "Yantok", "Ziziphus", "Oranges", "Gatfruit", "Daisy", "Kudzu")
var/list/tech_prefix = list("Nano", "Cyber", "Funk", "Astro", "Fusion", "Tera", "Exo", "Star", "Virtual", "Plasma", "Robust", "Bit", "Future", "Hugbox", "Carbon", "Nerf", "Buff", "Nova", "Space", "Meta", "Cyber")
var/list/tech_short = list("soft", "tech", "prog", "tec", "tek", "ware", "", "gadgets", "nics", "tric", "trasen", "tronic", "coin")
var/list/random_nouns = list("Johnson", "Cluwne", "General", "Specific", "Master", "King", "Queen", "Table", "Rupture", "Dynamic", "Massive", "Mega", "Giga", "Certain", "Singulo", "State", "National", "International", "Interplanetary", "Sector", "Planet", "Burn", "Robust", "Exotic", "Solar", "Lunar", "Chelp", "Corgi", "Lag", "Lizard")
var/list/company = list("Company", "Factory", "Incorporated", "Industries", "Group", "Consolidated", "GmbH", "LLC", "Ltd", "Inc.", "Association", "Limited", "Software", "Technology", "Programming", "IT Group", "Electronics", "Nanotechnology", "Farms", "Stores", "Mobile", "Motors", "Electric", "Designs", "Energy", "Pharmaceuticals", "Communications", "Wholesale", "Holding", "Health", "Machines", "Astrotech", "Gadgets", "Kinetics")
for (var/i = 1, i <= amt, i++)
var/datum/stock/S = new
var/sname = ""
switch (rand(1,6))
if(sname == "" || sname == "FAG") // honestly it's a 0.6% chance per round this happens - or once in 166 rounds - so i'm accounting for it before someone yells at me
sname = "[pick(CONSONANTS)][pick(VOWELS)]E"
if (2)
sname = "[pick(tech_prefix)][pick(tech_short)][prob(20) ? " " + pick(company) : null]"
if (3 to 4)
var/fruit = pick(fruits)
fruits -= fruit
sname = "[prob(10) ? "The " : null][fruit][prob(40) ? " " + pick(company): null]"
if (5 to 6)
var/pname = pick(random_nouns)
random_nouns -= pname
switch (rand(1,3))
if (1)
sname = "[pname] & [pname]"
if (2)
sname = "[pname] [pick(company)]"
if (3)
sname = "[pname]" = sname
S.short_name = generateDesignation(
S.current_value = rand(10, 125)
var/dv = rand(10, 40) / 10
S.fluctuational_coefficient = prob(50) ? (1 / dv) : dv
S.average_optimism = rand(-10, 10) / 100
S.optimism = S.average_optimism + (rand(-40, 40) / 100)
S.current_trend = rand(-200, 200) / 10
S.last_trend = S.current_trend
S.disp_value_change = rand(-1, 1)
S.speculation = rand(-20, 20)
S.average_shares = round(rand(500, 10000) / 10)
S.outside_shareholders = rand(1000, 30000)
S.available_shares = rand(200000, 800000)
S.fluctuation_rate = rand(6, 20)
stocks += S
last_read[S] = list()
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions code/modules/stock_market/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* This is the code that generates the articles
* that tell you that your stock has plummeted.
return "[uppertext(ascii2text(text2ascii(S, 1)))][copytext(S, 2)]"

var/list/L = splittext(S, " ")
var/list/M = list()
for (var/P in L)
M += ucfirst(P)
return jointext(M, " ")

var/headline = "Something big is happening"
var/subtitle = "Investors panic as stock market collapses"
var/article = "God, it's going to be fun to randomly generate this."
var/author = "P. Pubbie"
var/spacetime = ""
var/opinion = 0
var/ticks = 0
var/datum/stock/about = null
var/outlet = ""
var/static/list/outlets = list()
var/static/list/default_tokens = list( \
"buy" = list("buy!", "buy, buy, buy!", "get in now!", "ride the share value to the stars!"), \
"company" = list("company", "conglomerate", "enterprise", "venture"), \
"complete" = list("complete", "total", "absolute", "incredible"), \
"development" = list("development", "unfolding of events", "turn of events", "new shit"), \
"dip" = list("dip", "fall", "plunge", "decrease"), \
"excited" = list("excited", "euphoric", "exhilarated", "thrilled", "stimulated"), \
"expand_influence" = list("expands their influence over", "continues to dominate", "gains traction in", "rolls their new product line out in"), \
"failure" = list("failure", "meltdown", "breakdown", "crash", "defeat", "wreck"), \
"famous" = list("famous", "prominent", "leading", "renowned", "expert"), \
"hit_shelves" = list("hit the shelves", "appeared on the market", "came out", "was released"), \
"industry" = list("industry", "sector"), \
"industrial" = list("industrial"), \
"jobs" = list("workers", "clerks"), \
"negative_outcome" = list("it's not leaving the shelves", "nobody seems to care", "it's a huge money sink", "they have already pulled all advertising and marketing support"), \
"neutral_outcome" = list("it's not lifting off as expected", "it's not selling according to expectations", "it's only generating enough profit to cover the marketing and manufacturing costs", "it does not look like it will become a massive success", "it's experiencing modest sales"), \
"positive_outcome" = list("it's already sold out", "it has already sold over one billion units", "suppliers cannot keep up with the wild demand", "several companies using this new technology are already reporting a projected increase in profits"), \
"resounding" = list("resounding", "tremendous", "total", "massive", "terrific", "colossal"), \
"rise" = list("rise", "increase", "fly off the positive side of the charts", "skyrocket", "lift off"), \
"sell" = list("sell!", "sell, sell, sell!", "bail!", "abandon ship!", "get out before it's too late!", "evacuate!", "withdraw!"), \
"signifying" = list("signifying", "indicating", "implying", "displaying", "suggesting"), \
"sneak_peek" = list("review", "sneak peek", "preview", "exclusive look"), \
"stock_market" = list("stock market", "stock exchange"), \
"stockholder" = list("stockholder", "shareholder"), \
"success" = list("success", "triumph", "victory"), \
"this_time" = list("this week", "last week", "this month", "yesterday", "today", "a few days ago") \

if((outlets.len && !prob(100 / (outlets.len + 1))) || !outlets.len)
var/ON = generateOutletName()
if (!(ON in outlets))
outlets[ON] = list()
outlet = ON
outlet = pick(outlets)

var/list/authors = outlets[outlet]
if((authors.len && !prob(100 / (authors.len + 1))) || !authors.len)
var/AN = generateAuthorName()
outlets[outlet] += AN
author = AN
author = pick(authors)

ticks = world.time

var/list/nouns = list("Post", "Herald", "Sun", "Tribune", "Mail", "Times", "Journal", "Report")
var/list/timely = list("Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly", "Biweekly", "Monthly", "Yearly")

if (1)
return "The District [rand(4,24)] [pick(nouns)]"
if (2)
return "The [pick(timely)] [pick(nouns)]"

if (1)
return "[pick(CONSONANTS)]. [pick(GLOB.last_names)]"
if (2)
return "[prob(50) ? pick(GLOB.first_names_male) : pick(GLOB.first_names_female)] [pick(CONSONANTS)].[prob(50) ? "[pick(CONSONANTS)]. " : null] [pick(GLOB.last_names)]"
if (3)
return "[prob(50) ? pick(GLOB.first_names_male) : pick(GLOB.first_names_female)] \"[prob(50) ? pick(GLOB.first_names_male) : pick(GLOB.first_names_female)]\" [pick(GLOB.last_names)]"

var/ticksc = round(ticks/100)
ticksc = ticksc % 100000
var/ticksp = "[ticksc]"
for(var/cycle = 0 to 4)
ticksp = "0[ticksp]"
spacetime = "[ticksp][time2text(world.realtime, "MM")][time2text(world.realtime, "DD")][text2num(time2text(world.realtime, "YYYY"))+540]"

if (spacetime == "")
var/output = "<div class='article'><div class='headline'>[headline]</div><div class='subtitle'>[subtitle]</div><div class='article-body'>[article]</div><div class='author'>[author]</div><div class='timestamp'>[spacetime]</div></div>"
return output

/datum/article/proc/detokenize(token_string, list/industry_tokens, list/product_tokens = list())
var/list/T_list = default_tokens.Copy()
for (var/I in industry_tokens)
T_list[I] = industry_tokens[I]
for (var/I in product_tokens)
T_list[I] = list(product_tokens[I])
for (var/I in T_list)
token_string = replacetext(token_string, "%[I]%", pick(T_list[I]))
return ucfirst(token_string)

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