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VSPLF Dynamic I18N Framework

Make it easy and painless to I18N-ize any java projects with: simple APIs and a wide range of supported tools.

  • I18n-ize simple string:

      private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder();
      public void translateSimple() {
        String message = tb._("hello world!").
        //output depends on locale context
        //if English:
        //            hello world!
        //if Vietnamese:
        //            Xin chào thế giới!
  • I18n-ize plural context:

      private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder();
      public void translatePlural() {
        int numberOfFiles = 5;
        String diskName = tb._("My Disk").translate();
        String message = tb._("{num_files, plural, " +
                                "=0 {There are no files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                "=1 {There is one file on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                "=other {There are # files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                            appendArgument("num_files", numberOfFiles).
                            appendArgument("disk_name", diskName).
        //output depends on locale context
        //if English:
        //           There are 5 files on disk "My Disk".
        //if Vietnamese:
        //           Có 5 tệp tin trong ổ đĩa "Ổ Đĩa Của Tôi".
  • I18n-ize gender context:

      private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder();
      public void translateGender() {
        String userName = "John";
        String gender = "male";
        String message = tb._("{gender, select, " +
                                "male {{user_name} finished his task.}" +
                                "female {{user_name} finished her task.}" +
                                "other {{user_name} finished their task.}" +
                            appendArgument("gender", gender).
                            appendArgument("user_name", userName).
        //output depends on locale context
        //If English:
        //           John finished his task.
        //If Vietnamese:
        //           John đã hoàn hành nhiệm vụ.
  • I18n-ize both plural and gender context:

      private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder();
      public void translateComplex() {
        int numberOfFiles = 2;
        String gender = "female";
        String userName = "Mary";
        String diskName = tb._("My Disk").translate();
        String message = tb._("{num_files, plural, " +
                                "=0 {gender, select, " +
                                     "male {{user_name} has no files on his disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                     "female {{user_name} has no files on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                     "other {{user_name} has no files on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                    "}" +
                                "=1 {gender, select, " +
                                     "male {{user_name} has 1 file on his disk \"{disk_name}\"}." +
                                     "female {{user_name} has 1 file on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                     "other {{user_name} has 1 file on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                    "}" +
                                "=other {gender, select, " +
                                         "male {{user_name} has # files on his disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                         "female {{user_name} has # files on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                         "other {{user_name} has # files on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" +
                                       "}" +
                            appendArgument("num_files", numberOfFiles).
                            appendArgument("gender", gender).
                            appendArgument("user_name", userName).
                            appendArgument("disk_name", diskName).
        //output depends on locale context
        //if English:
        //           Mary has 2 files on her disk "My Disk".
        //if Vietnamese:
        //           Mary có 2 tệp tin trong ổ đĩa "Ổ Đĩa Của Tôi".

How to use this framework

Download this framework's artifacts


Anywhere in your application's code, use TranslatorBuilder like the sample below:

  package org.vsplf.i18n.sample;

  import org.vsplf.i18n.TranslatorBuilder;
  import org.vsplf.i18n.I18N;

  public class SampleClass {
    private static TranslatorBuilder sb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder();

    public void sayHi() {
      String message = sb._("Hello {0}, my name is {name}").
                          appendArgument("name", "dynamic i18n").



Note: You can use Translator, too. Both will return the same result.

Run the supported tools


How to develop

Prepare your environment

Use Apache Maven version 3.0.0 minimum. Version 3.0.3 and above is recommended.

Default Build

Use this command to build project:

  mvn clean install

Violations Checking Build

To check any violations, use this command below:

  git submodule init
  git submodule update
  mvn clean install -Dvsplf.violations.checking

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