Make it easy and painless to I18N-ize any java projects with: simple APIs and a wide range of supported tools.
I18n-ize simple string:
private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder(); public void translateSimple() { String message = tb._("hello world!"). translate(); //output depends on locale context //if English: // hello world! //if Vietnamese: // Xin chào thế giới! }
I18n-ize plural context:
private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder(); public void translatePlural() { int numberOfFiles = 5; String diskName = tb._("My Disk").translate(); String message = tb._("{num_files, plural, " + "=0 {There are no files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "=1 {There is one file on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "=other {There are # files on disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "}"). appendArgument("num_files", numberOfFiles). appendArgument("disk_name", diskName). translate(); //output depends on locale context //if English: // There are 5 files on disk "My Disk". //if Vietnamese: // Có 5 tệp tin trong ổ đĩa "Ổ Đĩa Của Tôi". }
I18n-ize gender context:
private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder(); public void translateGender() { String userName = "John"; String gender = "male"; String message = tb._("{gender, select, " + "male {{user_name} finished his task.}" + "female {{user_name} finished her task.}" + "other {{user_name} finished their task.}" + "}"). appendArgument("gender", gender). appendArgument("user_name", userName). translate(); //output depends on locale context //If English: // John finished his task. //If Vietnamese: // John đã hoàn hành nhiệm vụ. }
I18n-ize both plural and gender context:
private static final TranslatorBuilder tb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder(); public void translateComplex() { int numberOfFiles = 2; String gender = "female"; String userName = "Mary"; String diskName = tb._("My Disk").translate(); String message = tb._("{num_files, plural, " + "=0 {gender, select, " + "male {{user_name} has no files on his disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "female {{user_name} has no files on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "other {{user_name} has no files on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "}" + "=1 {gender, select, " + "male {{user_name} has 1 file on his disk \"{disk_name}\"}." + "female {{user_name} has 1 file on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "other {{user_name} has 1 file on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "}" + "=other {gender, select, " + "male {{user_name} has # files on his disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "female {{user_name} has # files on her disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "other {{user_name} has # files on their disk \"{disk_name}\".}" + "}" + "}"). appendArgument("num_files", numberOfFiles). appendArgument("gender", gender). appendArgument("user_name", userName). appendArgument("disk_name", diskName). translate(); //output depends on locale context //if English: // Mary has 2 files on her disk "My Disk". //if Vietnamese: // Mary có 2 tệp tin trong ổ đĩa "Ổ Đĩa Của Tôi". }
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Anywhere in your application's code, use TranslatorBuilder like the sample below:
package org.vsplf.i18n.sample; import org.vsplf.i18n.TranslatorBuilder; import org.vsplf.i18n.I18N; public class SampleClass { private static TranslatorBuilder sb = I18N.getTranslatorBuilder(); public void sayHi() { String message = sb._("Hello {0}, my name is {name}"). appendArgument("VSPLF"). appendArgument("name", "dynamic i18n"). translate(); System.out.println(message); } }
Note: You can use Translator, too. Both will return the same result.
Use Apache Maven version 3.0.0 minimum. Version 3.0.3 and above is recommended.
Use this command to build project:
mvn clean install
To check any violations, use this command below:
git submodule init git submodule update mvn clean install -Dvsplf.violations.checking
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