Outputs translated text based on current language settings.
Text strings are stored in PHP files and these can be stored in subfolders for better maintaining.
- Translate keys into text values based on set language.
- Support for string replacement with parameters.
- Handle different translations based on a counter value.
- Easy to structure localization texts in a clean folder hierarchy.
To install the library, use Composer:
composer require wufr/php-language-localizer
Note: This library requires PHP version 8.0 or higher.
Here is a quick example to get you started:
require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";
use wUFr\Translator;
$translator = new Translator(dir: "./locales/", lang: "en_US");
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "translateThis");
// outputs "translated value"
Example folder structure:
You can specify custom location for the "locales" folder, if you need to.
... (composer packages)
Example localization file:
Path to this file and name of the file itself is used in the locale() method. This way you can structure your localization texts in a nice clean structure with folders for different parts of the website, like "eshop", "user-area", "admin-panel" etc.
$l = [
"translateThis" => "translated value",
"BasedOnNumber" => [
1 => "box",
2 => "boxes",
50 => "a lot of boxes"
"thxText" => "Thank you {username} for buying {product}",
"thxTextCounter" => [
1 => "Thank you {username} for buying a piece of {product}",
2 => "Thank you {username} for buying two of {product}",
50 => "Thank you {username} for buying {count} pieces of {product}",
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "translateThis");
// outputs "translated value"
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "BasedOnNumber", ["_counter" => 1]);
// outputs "box"
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "BasedOnNumber", ["_counter" => 50]);
// outputs "a lot of boxes"
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "thxText", [
"username" => "John Doe",
"product" => "AMD Epyc Server"
// outputs "Thank you John Doe for buying AMD Epyc Server"
echo $translator->locale("someFolder/testValues", "thxTextCounter", [
"_counter" => 50,
"count" => 50,
"username" => "John Doe",
"product" => "AMD Epyc Server"
// outputs: "Thank you John Doe for buying 50 pieces of AMD Epyc Server"
Important: the _counter
parameter is used only to decide which string is returned, not as a variable inside string. You need to add (in this case) count
in the parameters.
To contribute, please create a new branch from the release-candidate
branch and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.