readit is a Python enabled Stata package to (a) read and append multiple files quickly and easily, and (b) save to multiple file formats.
## Installation Install the package from GitHub
>>> net install readit, from(
## Usage
Read and combine an arbitrary number of SPSS files in a directory and clear any existing data from memory:
>>> readit "'test/*.sav'", c
Read all files of any format that start with auto clear existing data from memory and rename some of the variables once the underlying files are combined:
>>> readit "'test/auto*'", ren('gear_ratio': 'gratio') c
Read all MS Excel, Feather, and SPSS files in the test directory, clear existing data from memory, rename some variables, and pass arguments to the underlying pandas methods:
>>> readit "'test/*.xlsx', 'test/*.feather', 'test/*.sav'", clear ren('src2' : 'backupsrc', 'gear_ratio' : 'gearRatio', 'datatype': 'filetype') "sep = ',', na_values = '', convert_categoricals = False"
Save to parquet format (reading back in with readit.ado will retain all variable types and metadata)
>>> saveit test.parquet, replace