Well hello there 👋
I'm an emerging software engineer focused on developing detailed and reliable software to simplify and solve everyday problems. Currently finishing up my CS degree at BYU where I work as a TA helping students master coding concepts, and develop a product to evaluate their work. Thus far, I specialize in TypeScript and Java, though I'm always looking to learn new languages and technologies.
The Autograder is a system developed by me and other CS 240 TAs to grade the work of students taking BYU's Advanced Software Construction Course. It greatly reduces help-wait time by reducing in-person pass-offs, and eliminating manual grading. It is currently in use to grade the work of 400+ students every semester.
- Streamlined student user experience by simplifying their interface and refactoring ineffective systems.
- Developed configuration system to allow administrators to change previously hard-coded values.
- Created tools to allow administrators to view student and submission details.
Repository: https://github.com/softwareconstruction240/autograder
Live Version: https://cs240.click
JolleyBites is my attempt to solve a problem my mom has with her baking business: how much do different recipes actually cost to make? Originally I built a Google Sheet to solve the problem, but I recently decided to build an application to solve her problem in a more modern and user-friendly way.
Repository: https://github.com/webecke/JolleyBites
Live Version [Though very much in development]: https://jolleybites.webecke.dev
LakeStats is my alternative to other websites that exist that provide data to the public about lakes in the southwest. The goal is to provide a service that loads faster, is simpler, and easier to use than existing services. Also, it's an excuse to learn new technologies like Java Spring and React. Originally I was building it for Lake Powell only, but soon discovered how easy it would be to expand to other lakes. Thus, LakeStats!
Repository: https://github.com/webecke/LakeStats
Live Version: [Nothing usable publicly yet] https://lakestats.com
If you want to get in contact, feel free to email me: [email protected]
My personal website (though currently just a landing page) is https://webecke.dev
I have a LinkedIn profile if that's something you need: https://linkedin.com/in/dallin-webecke