"quote": "The only people who never fail are those who never try.",
"author": "Ilka Chase",
"link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilka_Chase"
"quote": "Failure is just another way to learn how to do something right.",
"author": "Marian Wright Edelman",
"link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marian_Wright_Edelman"
function get_random_inspiration_quote()
$path_to_json = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wera-as/inspirational-quotes-source/main/quotes-new.json";
$fallback_html_output = "<span class='insp_quote_heart'>Made with ♥️ by <a href='https://wera.no/' target='_blank'>Wera AS</a></span>";
$json_content = @file_get_contents($path_to_json);
if ($json_content === FALSE) {
return $fallback_html_output;
$quotes_array = json_decode($json_content, true);
if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE || !is_array($quotes_array) || count($quotes_array) == 0) {
return $fallback_html_output;
$random_quote = $quotes_array[array_rand($quotes_array)];
$author_html = isset($random_quote['author']) ? $random_quote['author'] : "Unknown";
if (!empty($random_quote['link'])) {
$author_html = "<a href='" . esc_url($random_quote['link']) . "' target='_blank' class='insp_quote_author'>" . esc_html($author_html) . "</a>";
$quote_text = isset($random_quote['quote']) ? esc_html($random_quote['quote']) : "No inspirational quote found.";
$html_output = "<div class='insp_quote_content'><span class='insp_quote_quote'>" . $quote_text . "</span><span class='insp_quote_author'>" . $author_html . "</span>" . $fallback_html_output . "</div>";
return $html_output;
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