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Merge pull request #156 from whetstoneresearch/test/invariant-tests
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Test/invariant tests (Draft)
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clemlak authored Nov 4, 2024
2 parents 75a6034 + 3d019c3 commit 3379e02
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Showing 4 changed files with 234 additions and 29 deletions.
122 changes: 111 additions & 11 deletions test/invariant/DopplerHandler.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {AddressSet, LibAddressSet} from "./AddressSet.sol";
import {DopplerImplementation} from "test/shared/DopplerImplementation.sol";
import {PoolSwapTest} from "v4-core/src/test/PoolSwapTest.sol";
import {IPoolManager} from "v4-core/src/interfaces/IPoolManager.sol";
import {TestERC20} from "v4-core/src/test/TestERC20.sol";
import {PoolKey} from "v4-core/src/types/PoolKey.sol";
import {Currency} from "v4-core/src/types/Currency.sol";
Expand All @@ -24,15 +22,20 @@ contract DopplerHandler is Test {
bool public isToken0;
bool public isUsingEth;

// Ghost variables are used to mimic the state of the hook contract.
uint256 public ghost_reserve0;
uint256 public ghost_reserve1;
uint256 public ghost_totalTokensSold;
uint256 public ghost_totalProceeds;

mapping(bytes4 => uint256) public calls;
uint256 public totalCalls;

AddressSet internal actors;
address internal currentActor;

mapping(address actor => uint256 balance) public assetBalanceOf;

modifier createActor() {
currentActor = msg.sender;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,26 +74,123 @@ contract DopplerHandler is Test {
token1 = TestERC20(Currency.unwrap(poolKey.currency1));

if (isToken0) {
numeraire = token0;
asset = token1;
} else {
numeraire = token1;
asset = token0;
numeraire = token1;
} else {
asset = token1;
numeraire = token0;

ghost_reserve0 = token0.balanceOf(address(hook));
ghost_reserve1 = token1.balanceOf(address(hook));

/// @notice Buys an amount of asset tokens using an exact amount of numeraire tokens
function buyExactAmountIn(uint256 amount) public createActor countCall(this.buyExactAmountIn.selector) {
function buyExactAmountIn(uint256 amountToSpend) public createActor countCall(this.buyExactAmountIn.selector) {
amountToSpend = 1 ether;

if (isUsingEth) {
deal(currentActor, amount);
deal(currentActor, amountToSpend);
} else {, amount);
numeraire.approve(address(router), amount);, amountToSpend);
numeraire.approve(address(router), amountToSpend);

uint256 bought = router.buyExactIn{value: isUsingEth ? amount : 0}(amount);
uint256 bought = router.buyExactIn{value: isUsingEth ? amountToSpend : 0}(amountToSpend);
assetBalanceOf[currentActor] += bought;
ghost_totalTokensSold += bought;
ghost_totalProceeds += amountToSpend;

if (isToken0) {
ghost_reserve0 -= bought;
ghost_reserve1 += amountToSpend;
} else {
ghost_reserve1 -= bought;
ghost_reserve0 += amountToSpend;

function buyExactAmountOut(uint256 assetsToBuy) public createActor countCall(this.buyExactAmountOut.selector) {
assetsToBuy = 1 ether;
uint256 amountInRequired = router.computeBuyExactOut(assetsToBuy);

if (isUsingEth) {
deal(currentActor, amountInRequired);
} else {, amountInRequired);
numeraire.approve(address(router), amountInRequired);

uint256 spent = router.buyExactOut{value: isUsingEth ? amountInRequired : 0}(assetsToBuy);
assetBalanceOf[currentActor] += assetsToBuy;
ghost_totalTokensSold += assetsToBuy;
ghost_totalProceeds += spent;

if (isToken0) {
ghost_reserve0 -= assetsToBuy;
ghost_reserve1 += spent;
} else {
ghost_reserve1 -= assetsToBuy;
ghost_reserve0 += spent;

function sellExactIn(uint256 seed)
// If the currentActor is address(0), it means no one has bought any assets yet.
if (currentActor == address(0) || assetBalanceOf[currentActor] == 0) return;

uint256 assetsToSell = seed % assetBalanceOf[currentActor] + 1;
TestERC20(asset).approve(address(router), assetsToSell);
uint256 received = router.sellExactIn(assetsToSell);

assetBalanceOf[currentActor] -= assetsToSell;
ghost_totalTokensSold -= assetsToSell;
ghost_totalProceeds -= received;

if (isToken0) {
ghost_reserve0 += assetsToSell;
ghost_reserve1 -= received;
} else {
ghost_reserve1 += assetsToSell;
ghost_reserve0 -= received;

function sellExactOut(uint256 seed)
// If the currentActor is address(0), it means no one has bought any assets yet.
if (currentActor == address(0) || assetBalanceOf[currentActor] == 0) return;

// We compute the maximum amount we can receive from our current balance.
uint256 maxAmountToReceive = router.computeSellExactOut(assetBalanceOf[currentActor]);

// Then we compute a random amount from that maximum.
uint256 amountToReceive = seed % maxAmountToReceive + 1;

TestERC20(asset).approve(address(router), router.computeSellExactOut(amountToReceive));
uint256 sold = router.sellExactOut(amountToReceive);

assetBalanceOf[currentActor] -= sold;
ghost_totalTokensSold -= sold;
ghost_totalProceeds -= amountToReceive;

if (isToken0) {
ghost_reserve0 += sold;
ghost_reserve1 -= amountToReceive;
} else {
ghost_reserve0 -= amountToReceive;
ghost_reserve1 += sold;

function goNextEpoch() public countCall(this.goNextEpoch.selector) {
vm.warp(block.timestamp + hook.getEpochLength());
137 changes: 119 additions & 18 deletions test/invariant/DopplerInvariants.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,130 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
import {BaseTest} from "test/shared/BaseTest.sol";
import {DopplerHandler} from "test/invariant/DopplerHandler.sol";
import {State} from "src/Doppler.sol";
import {LiquidityAmounts} from "v4-core/test/utils/LiquidityAmounts.sol";
import {TickMath} from "v4-core/src/libraries/TickMath.sol";

? totalTokensSold can't underflow
? totalProceeds can't underflow
? Computed ticks can't under/overflow
X Amount of asset tokens to be supplied to liquidity positions at once <= numTokensToSell - totalTokensSold
Likely further have to consider the actual available token balance as dust is lost due to rounding
Does not attempt to create liquidity positions with equal upper and lower ticks
Leads to divide by zero error (even just in computing the liquidity amount)
Also relevant for just doing relevant math, e.g. retrieving liquidity given an amount can result in a revert
Cannot trade the price to below the lower slug range
Else it allows for price manipulation
I think this is also a compliance requirement regardless
Always places a lower slug if totalTokensSold > 0
Selling all tokens back in to the curve must exceed the available liquidity
Single tick ranges do not exceed max liquidity per tick
Cannot modify the price in any way prior to the start time

contract DopplerInvariantsTest is BaseTest {
// DopplerHandler public handler;
DopplerHandler public handler;

function setUp() public override {
handler = new DopplerHandler(key, hook, router, isToken0, usingEth);

bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](3);
selectors[0] = handler.buyExactAmountIn.selector;
selectors[1] = handler.buyExactAmountOut.selector;
selectors[2] = handler.sellExactIn.selector;
// selectors[3] = handler.sellExactOut.selector;

targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(handler), selectors: selectors}));


function afterInvariant() public view {
console.log("| Function Name | Calls |", handler.totalCalls());
console.log("| buyExactAmountIn |", handler.calls(handler.buyExactAmountIn.selector), " |");
console.log("| buyExactAmountOut |", handler.calls(handler.buyExactAmountOut.selector), " |");
console.log("| sellExactIn |", handler.calls(handler.sellExactIn.selector), " |");
console.log("| sellExactOut |", handler.calls(handler.sellExactOut.selector), " |");

/// forge-config: = true
function invariant_TracksTotalTokensSoldAndProceeds() public view {
(,, uint256 totalTokensSold, uint256 totalProceeds,,) = hook.state();
assertEq(totalTokensSold, handler.ghost_totalTokensSold());
assertEq(totalProceeds, handler.ghost_totalProceeds());

/// forge-config: = true
function invariant_CantSellMoreThanNumTokensToSell() public view {
uint256 numTokensToSell = hook.getNumTokensToSell();
assertLe(handler.ghost_totalTokensSold(), numTokensToSell);

/// forge-config: = true
function invariant_AlwaysProvidesAllAvailableTokens() public {
uint256 numTokensToSell = hook.getNumTokensToSell();
uint256 totalTokensProvided;
uint256 slugs = hook.getNumPDSlugs();

int24 currentTick = hook.getCurrentTick(poolId);

for (uint256 i = 1; i < 4 + slugs; i++) {
(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, uint128 liquidity,) = hook.positions(bytes32(uint256(i)));
(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(
totalTokensProvided += isToken0 ? amount0 : amount1;

(,, uint256 totalTokensSold,,,) = hook.state();
assertEq(totalTokensProvided, numTokensToSell - totalTokensSold);

function invariant_LowerSlugWhenTokensSold() public {
(,, uint256 totalTokensSold,,,) = hook.state();

// function setUp() public override {
// super.setUp();
// handler = new DopplerHandler(key, hook, router, isToken0, usingEth);
if (totalTokensSold > 0) {
(,, uint128 liquidity,) = hook.positions(bytes32(uint256(1)));
assertTrue(liquidity > 0);

// bytes4[] memory selectors = new bytes4[](1);
// selectors[0] = handler.buyExactAmountIn.selector;
function invariant_CannotTradeUnderLowerSlug() public view {
(int24 tickLower,,,) = hook.positions(bytes32(uint256(1)));
int24 currentTick = hook.getCurrentTick(poolId);

// targetSelector(FuzzSelector({addr: address(handler), selectors: selectors}));
// targetContract(address(handler));
// }
if (isToken0) {
assertTrue(currentTick >= tickLower);
} else {
assertTrue(currentTick <= tickLower);

// function afterInvariant() public view {
// console.log("Handler address", address(handler));
// console.log("Calls: ", handler.totalCalls());
// console.log("buyExactAmountIn: ", handler.calls(handler.buyExactAmountIn.selector));
// }
/// forge-config: = true
function invariant_PositionsDifferentTicks() public view {
uint256 slugs = hook.getNumPDSlugs();
for (uint256 i = 1; i < 4 + slugs; i++) {
(int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, uint128 liquidity,) = hook.positions(bytes32(uint256(i)));
if (liquidity > 0) assertTrue(tickLower != tickUpper);

// /// forge-config: = true
// function invariant_works() public {
// assertTrue(true);
// }
function invariant_NoPriceChangesBeforeStart() public {
// TODO: I think this test is broken because we don't set the tick in the constructor.
assertEq(hook.getCurrentTick(poolId), hook.getStartingTick());
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/shared/BaseTest.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ contract BaseTest is Test, Deployers {

// Deploy swapRouter
swapRouter = new PoolSwapTest(manager);
vm.label(address(swapRouter), "SwapRouter");

// Deploy modifyLiquidityRouter
// Note: Only used to validate that liquidity can't be manually modified
Expand All @@ -259,8 +260,10 @@ contract BaseTest is Test, Deployers {
TestERC20(token1).approve(address(modifyLiquidityRouter), type(uint256).max);

quoter = new Quoter(manager);
vm.label(address(quoter), "Quoter");

router = new CustomRouter(swapRouter, quoter, key, isToken0, usingEth);
vm.label(address(router), "Router");

function computeBuyExactOut(uint256 amountOut) public returns (uint256) {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/shared/CustomRouter.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ contract CustomRouter is Test {
/// @return Amount of numeraire tokens received.
function sell(int256 amount) public returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 approveAmount = amount < 0 ? uint256(-amount) : computeSellExactOut(uint256(amount));
TestERC20(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), uint256(approveAmount));
TestERC20(asset).approve(address(swapRouter), uint256(approveAmount));

BalanceDelta delta = swapRouter.swap(
Expand Down

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