This is the codebase to the papers: "Coding for the unsourced A-channel with erasures: the linked loop code" (, EUSIPCO 2023) and "Coding for the Unsourced B-Channel with Erasures: Enhancing the Linked Loop Code" (, ICASSP 2024).
To start a simulation, please use go to the Develop branch, and the folder playground, then use the command python --Ka=100 --pe=0.05 --L=16 --sic=1 --M=2 --ctype=B to launch a simulation. The name of the parameters should be self-explanatory.
- K (>1) denotes the number of active users.
pe (positive number between [0,1]) denotes the erasure probability, when
$$p_e=0$$ the channel is clean, and when$$p_e=1$$ the channel is erasing everything. - L (15 or 16)denotes the number of sections.
- sic (0 or 1) indicates whether to apply successive interference cancallation.
- M (2 or 3) denotes the window size -- how many previous sections a parity portion of any section should base on.
- ctype ("A" or "B") determines the channel type, deciding whether to simulate on A-channel or B-channel.
Some result like the following is expected to appear, where we applied a 3-phased recovery step. In specific, this demostration result says we managed to recover 92 true positives out of 100 transmitted messages. And 1 false alarm (in this simulation).
- Phase 1 try to find ALL parity consistent paths that suffers NO erasures.
- Phase 2 try to find ALL (the remaining) parity consistent paths that suffers 1 erasures.
- Phase 3 try to find SOME (the remaining) parity consistent paths that suffers 2 (E.g., not happening in consecutive sections) erasures.
- For phase,, these mean we are operating the "multiple root" method. We occasionally change the root section to see if we can decode more messages at the current phase.
####### Start Rocking ######## K=100 and p_e= 0.05 and L= 16 and M= 2 and ctype: B
-- Decoding phase 1 now starts.
99%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 95/96 [00:02<00:00, 37.04it/s]
| Time of phase 1 (LLC): 2.573298931121826
| In phase 1 linked loop Code decodes 42 true message out of 42
-Phase 1 Done.
-- Decoding phase 2 now starts.
98%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 53/54 [00:29<00:00, 1.81it/s]
| Time of phase 2.1 29.349550008773804
| In phase 2.1 Linked-loop Code decodes 35 true message out of 35
95%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 19/20 [00:00<00:00, 42.04it/s]
| Time of phase 2.2 0.4530029296875
| In phase 2.2 Linked-loop Code decodes 1 true message out of 1
| In phase up-to-phase 2 Linked-loop Code decodes 78 true message out of 78
-Phase 2 is done.
-- Decoding phase 3 now starts.
95%|████████████████████████████████████████████ | 18/19 [00:15<00:00, 1.14it/s]
| Time of phase 3.1 15.845634698867798
| In phase 3.1 Linked-loop Code decodes 12 true message out of 13
88%|███████████████████████████████████████████ | 7/8 [00:02<00:00, 2.35it/s]
| Time of phase 3.2 2.9842469692230225
| In phase 3.2 Linked-loop Code decodes 2 true message out of 2
80%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/5 [00:00<00:00, 109.37it/s]
| Time of phase 3.3 0.03735232353210449
| In phase up-to-phase 3 Linked-loop Code decodes 92 true message out of 93
-Phase 3 is done, this simulation terminates.