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wilmix jemin edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the SIT-MARKETING wiki!



SolomonInformationTechnology(SIT) - Marketting is started by wilmix jemin j at year 2017

for selling the products to clients/customers who eager to buy.


SolomonInformationTechnology(SIT)-Marketting is started by wilmix jemin j at year 2017

for selling the products to clients/customers who eager to buy.

It also tells about profit/loss/Hold of a business.

It also tells about what are the programming Languages used in SIT field.

It also indicates SIT companies who participate in SIT Marketing Process.

It also lowers the cost to customer acceptance level; so that customers can buy it...

The Programming Languages Like C/C+ ,JDollar(JWEB),Dotnet,GDollar,NJDOLLAR,WEBC,Arrowc,AJdollar, W@, DotWEB,JAVA7(OAKJAVA),SAP, Javascript,jquery,Android,Oracle,and Phython ,etc is always focused in SIT field.

DOTNET,C/C++,SAP,PHYTHON,Android,Oracle is used with WRIT Programming Languages.

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